[Abstract]:Comprehensive strict administration of the Party and overall rule of law have a very close logical link and mutual penetration of content. The strict administration of the Party can not be separated from the legal consciousness, the concept of the rule of law and the spirit of the rule of law, especially the belief in the rule of law, especially by the leading cadres of the Party members. Strict administration of the Party calls for the belief in the rule of law. Without a sincere belief in the rule of law, it is impossible to run the party strictly. Belief in the rule of law is the spiritual motive force of the process of rule by law, and the condensation of people's legal cognition, legal emotion, legal will, the spirit of ruling by law, the belief of rule by law and legal behavior. The establishment process of the belief in the rule of law is the establishment process of the supremacy, authority and rationality of the law. It is also the process of people's questioning of the legal value basis and the identification of the spirit of the rule of law and the idea of the rule of law. We must carry forward the spirit of socialist rule of law, build a socialist culture of rule of law, form a social atmosphere of law- abiding and glorious, and violate the law shamefully, so that all the people can become faithful advocates of socialist rule of law, conscientiously abide by it, and firm defenders.
【作者单位】: 郑州大学公共管理学院;武汉大学法学院;
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