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发布时间:2018-08-27 12:58
【摘要】:信访制度是一项独具中国特色的制度,是我国民主政治制度的重要组成部分,是各级党委和政府处理人民来信、接待群众来访的一项经常性的活动。近半个世纪以来,信访制度在加强和改进党群关系、尊重和保障人权、维护社会稳定与和谐等方面发挥着重要的作用。然而,伴随社会转型期的到来,各种社会矛盾日益凸现和增加,公民的权利意识逐渐觉醒,这使得原本就存在缺陷的信访制度遭遇前所未有的尴尬和危机,正在走向制度变迁的关口。面对突如其来的“信访洪峰”,在目睹了信访制度的病态和愁容之后,无论是理论界还是实务界,都不得不深刻反思现行信访制度的运作模式和价值定位。诚然,作为一种本土资源,信访制度在今天仍然发挥着重要的作用,在司法拒绝保障私权时,其提供了一条替代性的纠纷解决机制,一定程度上弥补了现代法治的缺陷和不足,但是,信访制度本身存在着太多的矛盾和困惑,需要我们对此予以冷静的观察、深度的剖析并且负责任的寻求解决之道。本文,从法治现代化的大背景出发,在系统审视和剖析现行信访制度的前提下,理性的评价信访制度的是非功过,探究信访制度渐趋困境的缘由,进而在实践探索和理论研究的基础上,求解完善信访制度的可行性思路,以期为我国的法治建设与和谐社会构建提供些许思考和建议。 第一部分,信访制度的概念阐释。简言之,信访就是对人民群众来信、来访活动的简称。就特征而言,信访制度是一项独具中国特色的制度,形式多样、程序性不强,具有明显的政治性。在功能方面,信访制度具有发扬民主、政治参与的功能;具有信息的搜集、反馈功能;具有发泄民怨、缓解社会矛盾的“安全阀”功能;具有权利救济的功能。 第二部分,信访制度的价值定位。信访制度的价值即信访制度对信访主体的意义,是信访制度对信访人需要的满足。信访制度的价值主要包括实现正义、维护自由、保障秩序等方面。信访制度的价值是信访制度的意义,是信访制度得以设立并实施的重要依据,信访制度制定、实施的各个环节都需要进行价值认识、价值评价和价值选择。 第三部分,信访制度的历史解读。根据各个时期信访的数量、特征和运作模式的不同,将新中国的信访制度大致划分为三个阶段:新中国成立之初的信访制度,也就是萌芽和初步形成阶段;文化大革命及拨乱反正时期的信访制度即信访制度的曲折发展阶段;安定团结时期的信访制度,也就是完善和转型阶段。通过历史分析的方法,剖析信访制度发展的一般规律和特征,以期为我国信访制度改革提供些许思考和建议。 第四部分,信访制度的现实困境。信访制度面临的主要困境包括信访机构庞杂,各个部门相互推诿;信访功能错位,权利救济功能畸形发展;信访责任追究机制不科学,不断诱发越级上访、重复上访。信访量的激增是改革开放时期一个鲜明性的阶段特征,是社会政治结构、经济结构、文化结构调整的必然产物。本文着重从政治、经济、法治和文化的角度,深入剖析信访渐入困境的原因,只有找到问题的症结所在,方能给予信访改革一剂良药。 第五部分,信访制度的改革设想。面对居高不下的“信访洪峰”以及信访本身存在的诸多弊端,理论界和实务界对信访制度的存废展开的激烈的辩论,大致可以分为三种观点:强化论、取消论和改良论。笔者认为改良论更符合中国的实际情况,有利于社会的稳定与和谐,强化论和取消论虽都不无道理,但多少显得有点鲁莽和偏激,容易引发社会的冲突和无序。 信访制度的改革是一项系统工程,不仅需要在制度上进行创新,更需要在实践中予以落实。积极探索具有中国特色的人大专员制度,加快制定系统完整的《信访法》,深入推进司法体制改革,完善与现行信访制度相配套的运行机制。只有多策并举、多管齐下,形成合力,方能逐步引导信访步入制度化、程序化和科学化的轨道。
[Abstract]:The system of letters and visits is a system with Chinese characteristics, an important part of our democratic political system, and a regular activity for Party committees and governments at all levels to handle letters from the people and receive visits from the masses. However, with the arrival of the social transformation period, various social contradictions have become increasingly prominent and increased, and citizens'awareness of rights has gradually awakened, which makes the original defective petition system encounter unprecedented embarrassment and crisis, and is heading for the point of institutional change. After witnessing the morbidity and melancholy of the petition system, Feng has to reflect deeply on the operation mode and value orientation of the current petition system in both theoretical and practical circles. Generation dispute resolution mechanism, to a certain extent, makes up for the defects and deficiencies of the modern rule of law, but there are too many contradictions and confusion in the system itself, we need to be calm observation, in-depth analysis and responsible solution. On the premise of analyzing the present system of letters and visits, we should rationally evaluate the merits and demerits of the system of letters and visits, explore the reasons for the plight of the system of letters and visits, and then, on the basis of practical exploration and theoretical research, find out the feasible ideas to improve the system of letters and visits so as to provide some thoughts and suggestions for the construction of the rule of law and harmonious society in China.
The first part is the explanation of the concept of the system of letters and visits. It has the function of information collection and feedback, the function of "safety valve" to vent people's complaints and alleviate social contradictions, and the function of right relief.
The value of the system includes the realization of justice, the maintenance of freedom and the protection of order. The value of the system is the significance of the system and the establishment of the system. And the implementation of the important basis for the establishment of the petition system, the implementation of all aspects of the need for value awareness, value evaluation and value choice.
The third part is the historical interpretation of the system of letters and visits.According to the different numbers, characteristics and operation modes of letters and visits in different periods, the system of letters and visits in New China can be roughly divided into three stages: the system of letters and visits at the beginning of the founding of New China, that is, the embryonic and preliminary formation stages; the system of letters and visits during the Cultural Revolution and the period of putting chaos out of order Through the method of historical analysis, this paper analyzes the general laws and characteristics of the development of the system of letters and visits, with a view to providing some thoughts and suggestions for the reform of the system of letters and visits in China.
The fourth part is the realistic predicament of the petition system.The main predicament of the petition system includes the complexity of the petition organization and the mutual transfer of responsibility between different departments. The stage characteristic of enlightenment is the inevitable outcome of the adjustment of social and political structure, economic structure and cultural structure. This paper focuses on the political, economic, rule of law and cultural point of view, in-depth analysis of the reasons for the plight of letters and visits, only to find the crux of the problem, we can give a good medicine for the reform of letters and visits.
The fifth part is about the reform of the system of letters and visits. In the face of the high tide of letters and visits and the many drawbacks of the system itself, the heated debate on the existence and abolition of the system of letters and visits in the theoretical and practical circles can be roughly divided into three points of view: the theory of reinforcement, the theory of cancellation and the theory of improvement. In fact, it is conducive to social stability and harmony. Although both reinforcement theory and cancellation theory are reasonable, they are somewhat reckless and extreme, and prone to social conflicts and disorder.
The reform of the system of letters and visits is a systematic project, which needs not only innovation in the system but also implementation in practice. We should actively explore the system of the Commissioner of the People's Congress with Chinese characteristics, speed up the formulation of a complete system of letters and visits law, deepen the reform of the judicial system, and perfect the operational mechanism matching the current system of letters and visits. Only when we work together in a multi-pronged way and form a joint force can we gradually guide letters and visits into a systematic, procedural and scientific track.


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