[Abstract]:Developing socialist democratic politics is an important goal of socialist modernization and a concrete manifestation of the essential characteristics of socialism.As a basic project of building socialist democratic politics with Chinese characteristics, through constant improvement, the grass-roots democracy in rural China has gradually formed through democratic election, democratic decision-making, democratic management and democracy. Supervision is the main content of the villagers'autonomy system, its development and improvement is not only conducive to the stability and development of China's rural areas, but also has a greater role in promoting the construction of socialist political civilization with Chinese characteristics.
The democratic construction at the grass-roots level in rural areas under the system of "township administration and village administration", the system of grass-roots mass autonomy under the guidance of the state, has not only played a positive role in guiding and regulating grass-roots mass autonomy by state power, but also provided a relatively loose political space for the growth of Rural Endogenous forces. However, the structural contradiction of power between the state administrative power, the party's leadership and the villagers'autonomy has become the "bottleneck" that restricts the further development of rural grass-roots democracy. The reasons for these contradictions are not only the factors of the state macro-system, but also some of them. In the final analysis, the problem of self-construction of rural power subjects lies in the imbalance of the interaction between state power and rural social rights.
The key to the further development of China's rural grassroots democracy in the future lies in seeking the institutional balance between state power and rural social rights. Innovating the "village governance" mechanism to promote the improvement of rural social autonomy, to achieve a positive interaction between the state and rural society, and jointly promote the rural grass-roots democratic political construction.
The full text is divided into five chapters.
The first chapter is the introduction, which expounds the purpose and significance of this study, retrieves the previous studies, and introduces the theoretical basis and methods of this study.
In the second chapter, based on the Marxist concept of democracy, the concept and connotation of democracy, grass-roots democracy and rural grass-roots democracy are explained, and the far-reaching significance of rural grass-roots democracy to the construction of democratic politics in China's rural areas and even the whole country is analyzed.
In the third chapter, the author explores and analyzes the practice of rural grass-roots democracy construction under the system of "rural administration and village administration". To practice, that is, the state regulates villagers'autonomy by legal system construction, promotes villagers' autonomy by typical demonstration and deepens the historical process of villagers'autonomy by mechanism innovation, thus constituting the general course of the development of rural grassroots democracy under the system of "village administration and village administration".
Chapter Four explores the contradictions and conflicts between the state administrative power, the Party's leadership power and the villagers'autonomy arising from the process of democratic construction at the grass-roots level in the rural areas under the system of "township administration and village administration", and the "lag" of the self-construction of the various power subjects derived therefrom, and draws the conclusion that the predicament lies in the state power and the rural social power. The conclusion that Li's interaction is unbalanced.
In the fifth chapter, aiming at the structural obstacles of power in the process of rural grass-roots democratic political construction, this paper puts forward the system innovation scheme of democratic cooperation system, which promotes the growth of rural social forces by standardizing the authority and mode of administrative power entering rural society and the innovation of "village governance" mechanism, so as to form a country. Family strength and rural social forces jointly promote the development of grassroots democracy in rural areas.
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