[Abstract]:The idea of harmony has always been an ideal state pursued by mankind, and the idea of a harmonious society has never ceased to be explored by scholars both at home and abroad. Western philosophers and sociologists have made fruitful discussions on harmonious society from different aspects of social system, social order, the relationship between society and economy, but there are essential differences between them. But attributed to abstract rationality and human nature, it can not be built on the basis of science; only Marx and Engels'harmonious society theory has laid a scientific theoretical foundation for contemporary China to build a harmonious society, and the fourth generation of the CPC leadership group with Comrade Hu Jintao as the core has put forward that building a socialist harmonious society should be. It is a scientific conclusion that democracy and rule of law, fairness and justice, honesty and fraternity, vitality, stability and order, and harmonious coexistence between man and nature. This paper discusses the concept and characteristics of the rule of law culture after understanding the development process and differences between the western rule of law theory and the traditional Chinese rule of law theory, aiming at the lack and blindness of the rule of law culture in the process of building a harmonious society. In order to promote the formation of the rule of law culture in a harmonious socialist society, this paper, from the perspective of Engels'two production theories, makes a comparative analysis of the root causes of the differences between Chinese and Western methodologies of governance and rule of law culture, i.e. the production of material resources and the production of human beings themselves, and the emergence of the rule of law culture between China and the West. In China, the traditional pattern of unification of the country and the country determines the basic types of our culture and influences the arrangements of the ethnic groups and their political systems.
In order to build a harmonious society today, we must create a socialist harmonious society ruled by law culture. The spiritual core of this kind of rule of law culture - "harmony" is not only the harmonious tolerance of different cultures, but also the internal unity with the harmonious society. Only by guaranteeing the rule of law can the harmony between man and society be realized; the legal effect of this culture of rule of law is derived from "people's sovereignty". All the powers of the state are granted by the people, the state power serves the people, takes the Constitution and law as the basis, takes democracy as the core, and guarantees human rights as the purpose idea. On the basis of the understanding of the connotation of the rule of law culture in a harmonious society of China, this paper tries to provide government guidance for the formation of the rule of law culture in a harmonious society, and three paths of education, publicity and public participation are provided. Including the creation of institutional conditions for the formation of the rule of law culture and advocating the core concept of a harmonious society is the foundation of the rule of law culture, education and propaganda, including the popularization of law education and the cultivation of the rule of law culture is an important factor, and through the participation of the public, the cultivation of citizens'positive concept of rights, the concept of the supremacy of law, the concept of law-abiding, and the enhancement of civic awareness are the The key is expected to benefit the formation of the rule of law culture in China's harmonious society from the perspective of socialist harmonious society.
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