[Abstract]:At present, biodegradable materials are more and more widely used in the field of medicine. Biodegradable polymers have good biocompatibility and biodegradability, and play an increasingly important role in drug delivery systems. In this paper, biodegradable microspheres with uniform particle size, high encapsulation efficiency and controllable drug release were prepared by membrane emulsification combined with double emulsion method.
Firstly, biodegradable polymers such as PLGA, PBLG and PLGA-PGA were prepared and characterized by 1H-NMR and FT-IR.
Secondly, the influence of experimental conditions on the preparation of drug-loaded microspheres by membrane emulsification was investigated. In this chapter, PLGA was used as carrier material, BSP was used as model drug, and SPG membrane with pore size of 2.6 micron was used to study the stability of colostrum. The influence of emulsifying process parameters on the preparation of drug-loaded microspheres was studied. The effects of emulsifying pressure, stirring speed and stirring speed on the preparation of drug-loaded microspheres were investigated. According to the experimental contents in this chapter, the optimum technological conditions of membrane emulsification were selected. The dosage of emulsifier was 20 mg, and the ratio of dichloromethane to toluene in oil phase was 1. 2. Membrane emulsification pressure was 0.014 MPa, stirring speed was 180 rpm, stirring speed was 120 RPM during curing. The effects of colostrum particle size and internal water phase additives on the preparation of microspheres by membrane emulsification were investigated. The appearance, entrapment efficiency and in vitro release of microspheres were studied. The surface is smooth, the particle size is uniform, the encapsulation efficiency is high, and the release is more stable. The encapsulation efficiency can be effectively improved by adding 0.5% (_) PEG into the inner water phase, and the surface of the prepared microspheres is smoother.
Finally, PLGA, PLGA-PGA and other drug-loaded microspheres were prepared and characterized. The PLGA microspheres loaded with BSA were prepared by 2.6 micron SPG membrane through membrane emulsification. The particle size was uniform, the surface was smooth, the encapsulation efficiency was 90.1%, and the cumulative release rate was 82.2% after 50 days. The PLGA-PGA microspheres were prepared by membrane emulsification. The study provided a method for preparation of oral preparations of intestinal absorption drugs and had a good market prospect.
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