[Abstract]:Gint Jacobbs is a famous contemporary jurist in Germany, who believes that the function of criminal law lies in the resistance and exclusion of danger. For those who fundamentally deviate from the basic norms of society, they cannot guarantee their legal personality. Instead, they must use war to wage war and remove these enemies from the social community through the launching of war. In order to guarantee the legitimate rights of citizens. This "shocking" academic claim has been criticized by some scholars in Germany. Because the theory of enemy criminal law deviates from the basic principle of rule of law, it leads to the unlimited expansion of state power, which may make the country return to a barbaric state of brute, and bring great danger to civil liberties and human rights. However, through in-depth analysis and discussion of Professor Jacobus's normative theory and functionalist view of criminal law, we find that the "enemy criminal law" is just the tip of the iceberg. In its seemingly extreme appearance, it is actually a complete set of meticulous. An amazing system of legal logic. At the same time, article 1 of our Constitution states that "the people's Republic of China is a socialist country under the leadership of the working class and a people's democratic dictatorship based on the alliance of workers and peasants". However, attacks on the "dictatorship" ideology made the phrase embarrassing and faced the fate of being completely removed from the Constitution. The original intention of this paper is to seek a new angle of view between "people's democratic dictatorship" and "the construction of the rule of law", so that the realization of "dictatorship" will be clearly defined and fixed by law. And the key to solve the problem is the enemy criminal law. "who is our enemy? Who's our friend? This question is the chief issue of the revolution. " It is still a difficult question, but one that has to be answered today.
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