[Abstract]:Constitutional democracy originates from the culture of the original sin of Christianity in the West, and fits well with the dualism of politics, religion, public and private, and the political tradition from ancient Greece to modern (Europa constitutionalism). Constitutional democracy takes the "self-interest" of the parties as the starting point and serves the interests of the mainstream society, and constitutional crisis occurs from time to time in the countries and regions where constitutional democracy is practised. In the course of socialist revolution, it is necessary to "break up the bourgeois state machine". There are two kinds of exploration in this respect: one is the popular democracy of Marx and others, the other is Lenin's democratic centralism. The latter achieved revolutionary success in backward Russia and affected all socialist countries, including China. Constitutional democracy is the main manifestation of bourgeois state machine, so constitutional democracy, as the main manifestation of bourgeois state machine, should also be abandoned in socialist revolution. In addition, when many countries in East Asia, Africa, Latin America and Central and Eastern Europe practiced constitutional democracy, the mismatch of religion, political culture and political tradition with constitutional democracy led to political chaos, which led to a strange circle of governance and chaos, which delayed the development of the country. The reason is that constitutional democracy is difficult to adapt to the political culture of these countries. A reflection on these dislocations will lead to the conclusion that politics needs to match cultural genes.
【作者单位】: 中央编译局世界发展战略研究部;
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