[Abstract]:Democracy is the necessary political situation for mankind to evolve to the age of industrial civilization. China is a socialist country, and the fundamental task of the country is to ensure the people to be masters of their own country. Democracy, has always been the banner of our party, building socialist democracy is the inevitable requirement of social development in China. The democratic supervision system is an important part of the national political system. It plays an extremely important role in the construction of socialist democratic politics. To achieve the goal of building a high degree of socialist democracy, we must strengthen the construction of democratic supervision system. Through the research of this paper, we hope to provide some reference for the construction and development of democracy in our country. This paper first reviews and analyzes the democratic principles and supervisory mechanism of the first proletarian regime in human history-the Paris Commune. Based on the background of the democratic supervision mechanism of Paris Commune and its concrete measures, this paper analyzes the historical significance of democratic political construction of Paris Commune. The second chapter systematically expounds the development of proletarian democracy and its supervisory mechanism. From Lenin Stalin to the successive leaders of our country, the continuous enrichment, perfection and development of democratic supervision mechanism show that the socialist democratic political construction must establish a complete socialist democratic supervision system. From this, we can see that the proletarian democracy has developed to now, our country has established a set of relatively perfect democratic political construction theory and democratic supervision mechanism. The last part is the foothold of this paper, combining with the discussion of the previous two chapters, the paper concretely analyzes the urgency of strengthening the construction of democratic supervision mechanism in our country, and the principles to be followed. This paper makes some suggestions on the new ways of constructing democratic supervision mechanism in our country, and emphasizes some basic principles that should be followed in the construction of socialist democratic politics in our country at present.
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