[Abstract]:Deliberative democracy is in the ascendant in China's urban and rural areas, and governments at all levels are engaged in the construction of deliberative democratic legislation and system. Why, however, is there a greater interest in promoting the institutionalization of consultative democracy in some places than elsewhere? Although the existing studies use the perspective of functionalism to explain the causes of China's deliberative democracy and its practice, few studies have quantitatively examined the motivation of the institutionalization of consultative democracy in local governments in China. Based on the theoretical framework of functionalism, this paper tests the influence of social contradictions on the establishment of hearing system by city government. Different models and measurement methods are used in this paper. The results show that social contradictions play a significant and positive role in the development of urban government hearing system. The social contradictions of land expropriation area and the number of letters and visits have significantly increased the number of hearing documents made by the city government. The research of this paper shows that improving the ability of government governance, especially the need of solving social contradictions, is one of the important driving forces for the institutionalization of local consultative democracy in China.
【作者单位】: 澳大利亚迪肯大学人文与社会科学学院;天津师范大学政治与行政学院;深圳大学管理学院;
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