[Abstract]:After many years of exploration, moral education in colleges and universities in China has formed a relatively complete working system. This systematic and complex project needs not only the role of ideological and political education, but also the role of legal education. Legal education is an important part of moral education in colleges and universities. Legal education is one of the basic ways to realize moral education, which can improve the actual effect of moral education. Under the background of ruling the country by law, it is worth studying how to give full play to the role of law in the moral education work of colleges and universities, to give full play to the science of moral education and to educate people effectively. The first part of this paper summarizes the legal education in colleges and universities. Firstly, the connotation of legal education in colleges and universities should be defined; secondly, the relationship between legal education and moral education in colleges and universities should be clarified: moral education in colleges and universities should include legal education, and legal education can improve the actual effect of moral education; Finally, the significance of the legal education in colleges and universities is expounded: strengthening the legal education is the need to promote the quality education of college students in an all-round way, to ensure the healthy growth of college students, the way to train qualified citizens, and the guarantee of the stable and United environment on campus. The second part analyzes the existing problems and causes of legal education in colleges and universities. First of all, the problems in the current legal education in colleges and universities are summarized in six aspects: the lack of attention to the legal education of college students, the lack of pertinence and systematicness of the contents of legal education, the lack of novelty and vitality of the forms of legal education; The effectiveness of legal education is poor; the teachers of legal education are insufficient; the atmosphere of legal education is not strong. Secondly, on this basis, further explore the causes of these problems. There are four main reasons: not organically bringing the legal education into the moral education of colleges and universities; the negative influence of the social environment; the defects of the family legal education; and the influence of the students' own factors. The third part puts forward the measures to strengthen and improve the legal education in colleges and universities. This is the focus of this article, but also the innovation of this article. Through the deep analysis of the problems and causes of the current legal education in colleges and universities, this paper puts forward some measures to strengthen and improve the legal education in colleges and universities. Macroscopically, it mainly depends on three measures: first, leaders take the lead to set up the overall concept of moral education including legal education; second, construct the legal education system in colleges and universities; third, enlighten and guide the self-education of college students. On the micro-level, each big measure also has the concrete small measure. From the leaders of colleges and universities to the system of legal education in colleges and universities, to the self-education of college students, so as to form a systematic chain and finally settle down to the efforts of the students themselves, so that the legal education in the moral education of college students can really play a role. Improve the legal consciousness and legal concept of college students, and really do the law, understand the law, abide by the law, protect the law. This kind of legal education can be regarded as a kind of legal education of practical significance. In short, in view of the important significance of law in real life, this paper begins with defining the connotation of legal education in colleges and universities, clarifies the relationship between legal education and moral education in colleges and universities, and then analyzes the problems existing in legal education in colleges and universities. And further explore the causes of the problem. On this basis, some personal opinions are put forward to strengthen and improve the legal education in colleges and universities. It is hoped that through the legal education in colleges and universities, college students can strengthen their concept of legal system and maintain their legitimate rights and interests through the use of legal weapons in their daily life. The rule of law behavior of college students can be transformed into moral behavior, and then promote the smooth development of moral education in colleges and universities.
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