[Abstract]:In stratified villages, village autonomy is dominated by factional struggles caused by intensive interests, and upper economic elites control the right to speak. At the election level, most villagers, especially the middle and lower level villagers, can not express their will; However, in the decision-making level, the autonomy of villagers surpasses the leadership of the upper level, and the will of most villagers can be expressed in the decision-making process, which realizes a certain degree of democratic decision-making. In the process of election, the influence of villagers' participation on the election results is nothing more than which side of the upper class to be village cadres, and there is no way to run in the election itself. Different election results are not strongly related to the interests of the majority of the lower and middle class villagers. However, in the divided village with dense interests, decision-making often means the formulation of benefit distribution scheme, which is strongly related to the direct interests of the villagers. Moreover, villagers can influence the making of decision-making scheme, safeguard their own interests and balance the factional struggle dominated by the upper class through the presence of the state.
【作者单位】: 中山大学哲学系;
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