[Abstract]:Constitutional right is a kind of power that constitutional subject creates constitution according to certain principle. The theory of constitutional right is one of the important theories of modern constitution and the logical basis of constitution. The theory of constitutional right was first put forward by the French scholar Siers. It is based on the theory of national sovereignty. Chinese scholars have different understanding of constitutional right theory, there are a lot of arguments. The argument makes people more familiar with Siers' theory of constitutional right and explores its positive significance for the construction of our country's rule of law. Exploring the theory of constitution-making right is helpful to fully understand and grasp the value of constitution, to enhance the resources of ruling party in accordance with the constitution, and to strengthen the people's sense of identity to the organizational form of our country's political power. At the same time, it also has a positive effect on the implementation of our current constitution and law.
【作者单位】: 中央党校政法部;四川省委党校;
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