发布时间:2019-01-17 20:20
【摘要】: 新民主主义革命是由无产阶级领导的,人民大众的,反对帝国主义、封建主义和官僚资本主义的革命。这是毛泽东把马克思主义的革命理论同中国殖民地、半殖民地和半封建社会的实际相结合,同全世界处在无产阶级革命时代的大潮相结合,在总结世界和中国革命的经验基础上所提出的适应中国革命前途,揭示中国革命基本规律的基本结论,新民主主义理论历史性地建构了社会主义理想与中国社会现实之合理张力,找到了通向社会主义理想的革命道路。 马克思主义理论与实践本身所包含的内在紧张要求合理建构理想与现实之张力。理论必须与特定的历史条件相结合,与特定的民族传统相结合,即必须要民族地、辩证地、历史地把握理想与现实的关系,在实践中发展马克思主义。新民主义理论的成功正是在于既坚持社会主义理想又从中国社会现实出发,在马克思主义和中国社会结合的内在机制上历史性地建构起理想与现实之合理张力。新民主主义理论分为新民主主义革命论和新民主主义社会论,新民主主义革命实质上是由无产阶级领导的资产阶级革命,它区别于以往的旧民主主义革命,也区别于一般的社会主义革命;它坚持社会主义的崇高理想,又从中国的社会现实出发,建立起最广泛的统一战线完成中国的革命任务。新民主主义社会是革命成功后向社会主义社会过渡的必经社会形态,它符合中国社会发展的规律。但后来由于种种原因中国共产党中断了新民主主义社会,在条件还不够成熟的前提下向社会主义过渡,这就使得后来实践脱离中国的社会现实,过分强化理想,弱化和忽略了中国的社会现实,陷入了理想狂热,导致实践的挫折,造成中国社会的历史悲剧。 新的时代主题呼唤新的张力结构,中国特色社会主义理论是在和平与发展成为时代主题的时期所提出的中国化的马克思主义。中国现阶段的生产力发展水平还远远达不到马克思主义关于社会主义社会的描述,即中国目前的社会主义还是不合格的社会主义。在这种情形下如何避免狂热地追求最高理想,如何避免消极悲观放弃理想追求,都是摆在中国共产党面前的艰巨任务。毛泽东思想开创了建构理想与现实张力的成功典范,也留下了理想与现实张力失衡的历史教训。中国特色社会主义理论作为与毛泽东思想“一脉相承”又“与时俱进”的新理论成果,必须正确把握理想诉求和现实主张,以史为鉴、放眼未来,实现马克思主义中国化“继承与发展”,坚持和发展中国特色社会主义道路,为实现共产主义而奋斗。
[Abstract]:The new democratic revolution is a revolution led by the proletariat and the masses against imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat-capitalism. This is Mao Zedong's combination of Marxist revolutionary theory with the realities of the colonial, semi-colonial and semi-feudal societies of China and with the great tide of the world in the era of proletarian revolution. On the basis of summing up the experience of the world and the Chinese revolution, the basic conclusion is put forward to adapt to the future of the Chinese revolution and to reveal the basic laws of the Chinese revolution. The theory of new democracy has historically constructed the reasonable tension between the socialist ideal and the social reality of China and found the revolutionary road leading to the socialist ideal. The inherent tension of Marxist theory and practice requires the rational construction of the tension between ideal and reality. The theory must be combined with the specific historical conditions and the specific national traditions, that is to say, we must grasp the relationship between ideal and reality in the national land, dialectically and historically, and develop Marxism in practice. The success of the new democratic theory lies in not only adhering to the socialist ideal but also proceeding from the Chinese social reality, and constructing the rational tension between the ideal and the reality on the internal mechanism of the combination of Marxism and Chinese society. The theory of new democracy is divided into the theory of new democratic revolution and the theory of new democratic society. In essence, the new democratic revolution is a bourgeois revolution led by the proletariat, which is different from the old democratic revolution. It is also different from the general socialist revolution; It adheres to the lofty ideals of socialism and, proceeding from China's social reality, establishes the broadest United front to complete China's revolutionary task. The new democratic society is the necessary social form of the transition from the revolution to the socialist society, which accords with the law of social development in China. However, due to various reasons, the Communist Party of China interrupted the new democratic society and transitioned to socialism on the premise that the conditions were not mature enough. This led to the practice of deviating from the social reality of China and excessively strengthening its ideals. It weakens and ignores the social reality of China, falls into ideal fanaticism, leads to practical setbacks and causes historical tragedy of Chinese society. The new theme of the times calls for a new tension structure, and the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics is a Sinicized Marxism put forward in the period of peace and development as the theme of the times. The development level of productive forces in China at the present stage is far from the description of socialist society by Marxism, that is, the current socialism in China is still unqualified socialism. Under such circumstances, how to avoid pursuing the highest ideal passionately and how to avoid negative pessimism and give up the ideal pursuit are all the arduous tasks facing the Communist Party of China. Mao Zedong thought created a successful example of constructing ideal and realistic tension, and also left a historical lesson of imbalance between ideal and realistic tension. The theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics, as a new theoretical achievement "in the same vein" and "keeping pace with the times" with Mao Zedong thought, must correctly grasp the ideal demands and realistic propositions, take history as a mirror and look forward to the future. To carry forward and develop Marxism in China, to adhere to and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics, and to strive for the realization of communism.
[Abstract]:The new democratic revolution is a revolution led by the proletariat and the masses against imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat-capitalism. This is Mao Zedong's combination of Marxist revolutionary theory with the realities of the colonial, semi-colonial and semi-feudal societies of China and with the great tide of the world in the era of proletarian revolution. On the basis of summing up the experience of the world and the Chinese revolution, the basic conclusion is put forward to adapt to the future of the Chinese revolution and to reveal the basic laws of the Chinese revolution. The theory of new democracy has historically constructed the reasonable tension between the socialist ideal and the social reality of China and found the revolutionary road leading to the socialist ideal. The inherent tension of Marxist theory and practice requires the rational construction of the tension between ideal and reality. The theory must be combined with the specific historical conditions and the specific national traditions, that is to say, we must grasp the relationship between ideal and reality in the national land, dialectically and historically, and develop Marxism in practice. The success of the new democratic theory lies in not only adhering to the socialist ideal but also proceeding from the Chinese social reality, and constructing the rational tension between the ideal and the reality on the internal mechanism of the combination of Marxism and Chinese society. The theory of new democracy is divided into the theory of new democratic revolution and the theory of new democratic society. In essence, the new democratic revolution is a bourgeois revolution led by the proletariat, which is different from the old democratic revolution. It is also different from the general socialist revolution; It adheres to the lofty ideals of socialism and, proceeding from China's social reality, establishes the broadest United front to complete China's revolutionary task. The new democratic society is the necessary social form of the transition from the revolution to the socialist society, which accords with the law of social development in China. However, due to various reasons, the Communist Party of China interrupted the new democratic society and transitioned to socialism on the premise that the conditions were not mature enough. This led to the practice of deviating from the social reality of China and excessively strengthening its ideals. It weakens and ignores the social reality of China, falls into ideal fanaticism, leads to practical setbacks and causes historical tragedy of Chinese society. The new theme of the times calls for a new tension structure, and the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics is a Sinicized Marxism put forward in the period of peace and development as the theme of the times. The development level of productive forces in China at the present stage is far from the description of socialist society by Marxism, that is, the current socialism in China is still unqualified socialism. Under such circumstances, how to avoid pursuing the highest ideal passionately and how to avoid negative pessimism and give up the ideal pursuit are all the arduous tasks facing the Communist Party of China. Mao Zedong thought created a successful example of constructing ideal and realistic tension, and also left a historical lesson of imbalance between ideal and realistic tension. The theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics, as a new theoretical achievement "in the same vein" and "keeping pace with the times" with Mao Zedong thought, must correctly grasp the ideal demands and realistic propositions, take history as a mirror and look forward to the future. To carry forward and develop Marxism in China, to adhere to and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics, and to strive for the realization of communism.
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