[Abstract]:The investigation functions of the Chinese armed forces shall be exercised by the General political Department of the Chinese people's Liberation Army and the security departments of the various branches of the armed forces, and shall be based on the laws and regulations of the people's Republic of China and military regulations. On the one hand, they shall perform the functions of dictatorship and guard against and crack down on spies. Sabotage of the army by hostile elements and criminals within the armed forces; On the other hand, to protect the democratic rights and legitimate rights and interests of military personnel, to maintain stability and unity within the army. With the establishment and development of the military, the operational mechanism of investigation in the Chinese armed forces has gradually grown and improved. At present, the investigation function of the Chinese military security department is to strictly guard against the sabotage activities of the hostile elements to the state and the armed forces. It shall exercise the powers of investigation and preliminary examination of internal criminal cases in the armed forces. With the continuous improvement of the country's rule of law and the introduction of relevant laws and military regulations, the operational mechanism of military investigation has gradually taken the road of standardization and rule of law, and has formed a scientific and unified military judicial system with military procuratorates and military courts. However, since the operational mechanism of investigation has basically not changed in the past half century, the inherent defects in its mechanism have led to the inability of the current military investigation work to deal with the new situation in practice, which is mainly manifested in the weakening of the functions of the investigative organs. The power of investigation is not independent and the investigation technology of the security department is backward and so on. From the angle of investigation organization and the exercise of investigation power, this paper studies the operational mechanism of Chinese military investigation in four chapters. The first chapter discusses the evolution of the operational mechanism of Chinese military investigation, from the perspective of historical evolution, solves the problem of what the military investigation is, the second chapter reviews the current operational mechanism of Chinese military investigation, and finds out the problems of the Chinese military investigation work. The third chapter makes a comparative study on the operational mechanism of American military investigation, expands the horizon from the horizontal angle, and draws lessons from the good practices of other countries. The fourth chapter is based on the research of the first three chapters. From the angle of the establishment of investigation organization and the exercise of investigation power, the author makes some thoughts on how to perfect the operational mechanism of Chinese military investigation.
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