[Abstract]:Soybean oil was prepared by leaching method, and industrial n-hexane was generally used as extractant. Soybean contains sulfur, which will cause varying degrees of corrosion to the equipment in the recovery of extractant from oil tail gas and in the liquid phase system equipment, especially in the negative pressure recovery process, the remaining sediments in the system will partly produce sulfate-reducing bacteria. In turn, the corrosion of system equipment and pipelines is caused. Based on this, the corrosion of soybean sulfur to equipment, the influence of anaerobic reaction of biological bacteria such as sulfate reducing bacteria on the equipment and the related protection techniques were analyzed and discussed. The measures that should be taken to corrode the process equipment caused by sulfur content in soybean are explained, which can be used as a reference for the research of soybean processing industry and its technology.
【作者单位】: 丹东老东北农牧有限公司;
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