[Abstract]:In April 2004, in order to promote the theoretical research and practical research of socialist democratic politics in the capital, the Beijing Municipal people's Congress and Beijing Union University jointly established the Institute of people's Congress system as a platform for research institutions and academic exchanges. In September this year, the Institute of system of the people's Congress held a seminar on the system of the people's Congress and governing the country according to law, commemorating the 60th anniversary of the founding of the National people's Congress. More than 40 experts and scholars from the National people's Congress, the Beijing Municipal people's Congress, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, the Beijing Union University and other units attended the meeting. Around the theme of "people's Congress system and governing the country according to law", we reviewed the 60-year development of the people's Congress system and talked about the construction of the people's Congress system and democracy and the rule of law. This magazine selected part of the meeting part of the speech and views.
【作者单位】: 北京联合大学人民代表大会制度研究所;
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