发布时间:2019-08-16 17:47
[Abstract]:In recent years, TV legal programs have attracted much attention. The storytelling and suspense narrative techniques of the TV legal programs conform to the preferences of the audience, effectively enhance the competitiveness of the programs, and further give full play to the propaganda and educational functions of TV. This paper summarizes the survival road of the legal TV programs in the whole media environment, and serves for the comprehensive construction of the legal society.
【作者单位】: 常熟理工学院;
[Abstract]:In recent years, TV legal programs have attracted much attention. The storytelling and suspense narrative techniques of the TV legal programs conform to the preferences of the audience, effectively enhance the competitiveness of the programs, and further give full play to the propaganda and educational functions of TV. This paper summarizes the survival road of the legal TV programs in the whole media environment, and serves for the comprehensive construction of the legal society.
【作者单位】: 常熟理工学院;
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