本文关键词: 死亡凸显 金钱 跨期决策 出处:《上海师范大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Fear management theory holds that when individuals face death anxiety, individuals instinctively produce cultural anxiety buffers to alleviate this anxiety and realize self-protection. Therefore, when people face death, individual thoughts. Attitude and behavior will change. The intertemporal decision in the field of money is a kind of decision, which is to weigh the cost and benefit of people at different time points, and to make judgment and choice. What choices and decisions will people make in the face of instant small amounts and large delays? Studies have shown that people's demand for money increases after death is highlighted. We can wait for more money. However, there has been no in-depth study of the impact of death highlights on people's money and time tradeoffs. The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of death highlights on people's money outcomes. In this paper, there are three experiments. Experiment one is about the death highlight effect of individual in the intertemporal decision-making under the control of classical suprathreshold death. Single factor (priming type: death highlight group / control group) was used. The dependent variable is the delayed discount rate. The effect of death salience on the delayed discount rate in the intertemporal decision of money results is preliminarily discussed by using the questionnaire method. Experiment 2 discusses the tendency of death salience to the intertemporal decision making of money results. Influence. Two experimental paradigms of money choice and money distribution were adopted. In the money selection task, the experiment was 2 (start type: death highlight group / control group) 脳 3 (time: 1 month / 3 months / 6 months) 脳 3 (money: 1000 yuan / 3 000 yuan). The dependent variable is the choice preference of the subjects. In the money assignment task, the experiment is the single factor design of the priming type (death highlight group / control group). The dependent variable is the amount allocated to three uses (direct spending, short-term savings, long-term savings). To test the validity of death salience effect in intertemporal decision making, the intertemporal decision task also includes two kinds of tasks, namely money choice and money allocation, by means of subliminal death salience manipulation. The results show that the discount rate of intertemporal decision delay is significantly lower than that of control group, and death highlights have a significant impact on people's intertemporal decision-making. Make people tend to choose a large amount of delay option.) death highlights the impact on people's choice preference of intertemporal decision. Regardless of the amount of money, people tend to choose a larger amount of delay options. People prefer money, and the demand for money increases. In the money assignment task. There is a significant difference between the death highlight group and the control group in the distribution of long-term savings and short-term savings. There are also significant differences between the two groups in the distribution of the amount of money, that is, the difference between the death highlight group and the control group in direct spending and long-term savings.
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