发布时间:2018-02-14 10:30
本文关键词: 睡眠剥夺 情绪加工 注意分配 主观评估 IAPS 前额叶皮质 边缘系统 出处:《第二军医大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:研究背景:睡眠在人体的心理社会功能的维持和调适中发挥着重要作用。过去半世纪以来,研究者证实,睡眠不足对大脑认知功能(包括注意力、反应速度、学习与记忆以及执行与决策等)具有损伤作用,但睡眠对情绪功能的影响直至近几年才逐渐引起研究者的注意。临床上,几乎所有的情绪障碍(焦虑症、抑郁症等)都伴随失眠症状的发生;在日常生活中,负性情绪增多可导致失眠,而反过来失眠也会导致消极情绪体验的增加,这都提示睡眠和情绪功能系统的潜在关系。脑影像学研究表明,情绪的加工与调节,涉及边缘系统的皮层下结构与前额叶皮质(负责调节情感反应和行为控制)之间的交互作用,而与此同时,参与调节情绪的大脑结构、神经化学物质也管理着睡眠,这进一步提示睡眠和情绪加工两个功能系统之间是紧密相关的。Gross的情绪调节理论是目前情绪研究领域盛行的情绪理论,根据其提出的“情态模型”,情绪发生过程涉及情境——注意——评价——反应这几个环节,由这一模型可以看出,情绪反应是情绪产生的结局变量,目前研究主要集中在描述睡眠不足对情绪反应的影响(主观情绪体验、生理唤醒、情绪表达性),而睡眠剥夺对情绪发生过程的其他环节,尤其是注意和分配这两个环节的影响以及特点研究不足。研究目的:本研究针对目前研究中的不足,系统考察睡眠剥夺对情绪性刺激注意分配和评估这两个情绪加工过程的影响,以期阐明睡眠在情绪发生过程中的具体作用形式并为预测和控制睡眠剥夺后个体心理加工过程的变化提供实证依据。研究方法:本研究的研究方法包含三部分:分别研究睡眠剥夺对情绪刺激注意分配以及情绪刺激评估的影响。本研究三部分均采用随机对照设计。所有参与实验被试均通过校园海报、微信公众平台招募;将符合纳入标准的被试随机分为睡眠剥夺组和对照组,睡眠剥夺组进行为期一晚的睡眠剥夺(10:30 pm—次日6:30 am),正常睡眠组进行正常睡眠。次日,根据实验要求完成相应的实验任务。第一部分,通过比较两组被试在点探测任务和视觉搜索任务中成绩的差异,考察睡眠剥夺对情绪刺激注意分配的影响;第二部分,通过比较两组在快速序列视觉呈现任务中成绩的差异,考察睡眠剥夺对情绪刺激时间注意分配的影响;第三部分,通过比较两组被试在情绪刺激主观评估任务中结果的差异,考察睡眠剥夺对情绪刺激评估的影响。研究结果1.两组被试在探测点与情绪图片同侧情况下的反应时小于异侧情况下反应时,但两组被试之间差异不显著;2.在视觉搜索任务中,两组被试搜索目标刺激蛇的速度快于搜索目标刺激花的速度,但两组被试之间差异不显著;3.在快速序列视觉呈现任务中,与正常睡眠组相比,睡眠剥夺组在整体注意警觉性整体下降(p0.01),当T1为愤怒表情时,T2的正确率低于正常睡眠组(p0.05),睡眠剥夺组表现出对威胁情绪面孔的注意解除困难;4.在情绪刺激主观评估任务中,睡眠剥夺对正性和负性情绪图片的评分没有明显影响,但对中性图片的愉悦度评分存在负性偏倚,睡眠剥夺组对中性图片的愉悦度评分前、后测差异有统计学意义(p0.001),而正常睡眠组前后测差异无统计学意义(p=0.12)。研究结论1.睡眠剥夺影响个体情绪注意分配。睡眠剥夺后,被试在注意警觉性整体下降的情况下,会将注意优先分配给负性刺激,并表现出对负性刺激注意解除困难;2.睡眠剥夺影响情绪评估。睡眠剥夺后,个体倾向于将情绪色彩不明确的刺激作偏负性的评价,发生评估过程中的负性偏倚。
[Abstract]:Background: play an important role in the social and psychological functions of the human body sleep maintenance and adjustment. In the past half century, the researchers confirmed on the cognitive function of sleep (including attention, reaction speed, learning and memory, execution and decision making) with injury, but the effect of sleep on emotional function until nearly a few years before gradually attracted more attention from researchers. Clinically, almost all of the emotional disorders (anxiety, depression) are associated with insomnia symptoms; in daily life, more negative feelings can lead to insomnia, insomnia and in turn will lead to increased negative emotion, indicating the potential relationship between sleep and the emotional function of the system. The results show that the brain imaging processing, and emotion regulation, structure and prefrontal cortex limbic system involving subcortical (responsible for regulating emotional reaction and behavior control) between the The interaction, while at the same time, participate in the brain structure of emotion regulation, neurochemical also regulates sleep, this further suggest that sleep and emotional processing of two functional systems is closely related to the.Gross emotion regulation theory is the prevailing mood in the research field of emotional theory, according to the proposed "modal model", emotion involved the situation - attention -- evaluation of several aspects of this reaction, this model can be seen, emotional responses are emotional outcome variables, the present study focused on the effects of sleep deprivation on description of emotional reactions (subjective emotion, arousal, emotional expression), and sleep deprivation on other aspects of emotional process. Particular attention and influence the distribution of these two aspects and characteristics of research. Objective: This study aimed at the deficiencies in the current research, system Effects of sleep deprivation attention allocation and assess the impact of two emotional processing of emotional stimuli, in order to clarify the specific role of sleep in mood forms in the process and provide an empirical basis for the prediction and control of changes after sleep deprivation of individual psychological processing. Research methods: the research methods of this study included three parts: Research on sleep deprivation on emotional stimuli and emotional stimuli influence the attention distribution evaluation. The three part of this study adopts randomized controlled design. All of the participants were through the campus posters, WeChat public platform for recruitment; will meet the inclusion criteria of the subjects were randomly divided into sleep deprivation group and control group, sleep deprivation group for a night sleep deprivation (PM - am 10:30 6:30 the next day), normal sleep group of normal sleep. The next day, according to the tasks corresponding to the requirements. The first part, through Comparing the two groups of subjects in the dot probe task and performance differences in visual search tasks in the study of sleep deprivation on emotional stimuli influences the allocation of attention; the second part, by differences in task performance in rapid serial visual comparison of the two groups, effects of sleep deprivation on emotional stimulation time influences the allocation of attention; the third part. The difference between the two groups results in subjective assessment of emotional stimuli in the task of investigation of the effects of sleep deprivation on emotional stimuli. Evaluation results of the 1. subjects of the two groups were smaller than the opposite side ipsilateral under the condition of reaction in the detection point and emotional picture case, but between two groups of subjects were not significantly different 2.; in the visual search task, subjects of the two groups of snake search target stimulus faster than search target stimulus spending rate, but between two groups had no significant difference; 3. is currently in rapid serial visual service, and Normal sleep group, sleep deprivation group in the overall awareness of the overall decline in attention (P0.01), when T1 is angry, the correct rate of T2 is lower than that of the normal sleep group (P0.05), sleep deprivation group showed a threat to relieve the difficulty of emotional face attention; 4. in emotional stimuli subjective assessment tasks, sleep deprivation on positive and negative emotional pictures were not significant, but the neutral pictures have negative valence score bias, sleep deprivation on neutral pictures valence score before, after the test was statistically significant (p0.001), and the normal sleep group before and after the test showed no significant difference (p=0.12). Conclusion 1. sleep deprivation affects the individual emotional attention distribution. After sleep deprivation, the subjects in the case of the overall decline in attention alertness, will pay attention to the priority assigned to negative stimuli, and showed attentional disengagement to negative stimuli; 2. sleep deprivation After sleep deprivation, the individual tends to make a negative assessment of the irritation of the emotional color, and the negative bias in the process of evaluation.
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