本文选题:锻炼强度 切入点:特质焦虑 出处:《武汉体育学院》2017年硕士论文
【摘要】:现在锻炼心理学领域关于身体锻炼的心理效益研究颇多,大量研究证明身体锻炼有助于降低焦虑水平。但多数研究停留在行为学水平上,国内目前缺乏相关的ERP研究。状态-特质焦虑理论将特质焦虑定义为一种相对持久稳定的但存在个体差异的人格特质。近年来,特质焦虑与注意偏向的关系一直是研究的热点。注意偏向指的是个体对特定刺激的高敏感性并伴随着选择性注意,高特质焦虑者对于负性信息存在选择性注意偏向的特点。本研究采用4 (锻炼强度,高、中、低、无)×2 (情绪图片,负性、中性)×2 (焦虑水平,高特质、低特质)三因素混合设计,其中锻炼强度、特质焦虑水平为被试间因素,情绪图片为被试内因素。在自变量锻炼强度上有四组被试,其中高、中、低三组分别在室内跑台上进行心率依次在170 — 180次/分、140 — 150次/分、110 — 120次/分的锻炼,每组被试均锻炼30分钟;剩下一组为不锻炼组,只是安静地坐30分钟。锻炼结束后所有被试进行情绪图片的判断,同时测量其ERP指标。结果发现(1)在高特质焦虑水平上,负性图片比中性图片诱发了一个更大波幅的N1,中等强度与高强度的运动缩短了 N1的潜伏期;在低特质焦虑水平上,高强度的运动比中等强度的运动诱发了一个更大波幅的N1。(2)在高低特质焦虑水平上,中性图片比负性图片诱发了一个更大的N2。(3)在低特质焦虑水平上,负性图片诱发的P3波幅显著大于中性图片;在高特质焦虑水平上,中性图片诱发的SW波幅显著大于负性图片。研究结论:(1)对于低特质焦虑者,中等强度的运动比高强度的运动缓解焦虑效果更好;对于高特质焦虑者,效果不明显。(2)高特质焦虑者在加工早期对负性情绪图片倾注了更多的注意资源,且后期对于中性情绪图片倾注了更多注意资源,并且其抑制功能可能受损。(3)低特质焦虑者较晚区分负性情绪图片与中性情绪图片,后期对负性图片倾注了更多注意资源。(4)高强度和中等强度的运动可以提高高特质焦虑者的思维灵敏度。
[Abstract]:There are a lot of studies on the psychological benefits of physical exercise in the field of exercise psychology. A large number of studies have proved that physical exercise can help reduce anxiety. But most of the studies remain at the level of behavior. At present, there is a lack of relevant ERP research in China. State-Trait anxiety Theory defines trait anxiety as a relatively persistent and stable personality trait with individual differences. The relationship between trait anxiety and attention bias has always been a hot topic. Attention bias refers to the individual's high sensitivity to specific stimuli, which is accompanied by selective attention. In this study, 4 (exercise intensity, high, middle, low, no) 脳 2 (emotional picture, negative, neutral) 脳 2 (anxiety level, high trait), Low trait) three factors mixed design, in which exercise intensity, trait anxiety level is the factor among the subjects, emotional picture is the factor within the subjects. There are four groups of subjects in the independent variable exercise intensity, among them, high, middle. The heart rate was 170-180 beats / min 140-150 beats / min 110-120 times / min respectively in the low three groups. Each group exercised for 30 minutes; the remaining group was no exercise group. At the end of exercise, all subjects were judged by emotional pictures and their ERP were measured. The results showed that: 1) at high level of trait anxiety, Negative images induced a larger amplitude of N1 than neutral images, and moderate and high intensity exercise shortened N1's latency; at low trait anxiety levels, High intensity exercise induced a larger amplitude of N1.2 than moderate intensity exercise.) at high and low trait anxiety levels, neutral images induced a larger N 2. 3 than negative ones) at low trait anxiety levels. The amplitude of P3 induced by negative images was significantly larger than that of neutral images, and the amplitude of SW induced by neutral images was significantly higher than that of negative images. Moderate intensity exercise was better than high intensity exercise in relieving anxiety; for high trait anxiety group, the effect was not obvious. In the later period, more attention was paid to the neutral emotion picture, and its inhibition function may be impaired. (3) the low trait anxiety group distinguished the negative emotion picture from the neutral emotion picture later. In the later period, more attention was paid to negative images. (4) High intensity and moderate intensity exercise could improve the thinking sensitivity of high trait anxiety patients.
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