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发布时间:2018-04-30 06:30

  本文选题:武警基层军官 + 职业人格 ; 参考:《湖南师范大学》2016年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Objective: 1) based on the theoretical model of professional personality of the basic officers of the armed police, to compile the questionnaire of the professional personality of the basic officers of the armed police, and to test its reliability and validity. 2) to study the relationship between the professional personality of the officers at the basic level of the armed police and their work performance by using the questionnaire. Methods: first of all, the theoretical model of the professional personality of the basic officers of the armed police was constructed by the methods of literature, open questionnaire, job analysis and interview, and the preliminary questionnaire of the professional personality of the basic officers of the armed police was compiled according to the model. Then the formal questionnaire is formed by item analysis and exploratory factor analysis. Finally, the reliability and validity of the questionnaire are investigated by confirmatory factor analysis and correlation analysis. The basic officer sample was divided into two groups. 451 officers were first tested and 443 officers were formally tested. 200 officers were selected to complete the MBTI and the work performance scale at the same time. Results: the Professional Personality questionnaire of basic military officers was composed of 42 items, including 7 first-order factors and 2 second-order factors. The first order factor was: F1: aggressive F2: leadership F3: tenacity F4: obedient F5: fairness F6: sacrifice spirit F7: affinity; The internal consistency analysis showed that the Cronbach 伪 coefficient was 0.79-0.96, and the split-half reliability was 0.75-0.95.3) Internal correlation analysis showed that the first order factor was the first order factor. The correlation coefficient between the second order factor score and the second order factor score is 0.38-0.84, the correlation is extremely significant (p 0.001), all the first-order factors have a higher correlation with the corresponding second-order factor, but the correlation with the other second-order factor is lower. All the fitting indexes of the test data and the theoretical model are up to the requirement of measurement. (5) the factors of questionnaire and MBTI, the correlation of each dimension of work performance scale, the difference of personality type of MBTI are significant. The results show that the scores of professional personality factor of ESTJ officers are obvious. The results of the study on the difference of military age between the military officers and non- officers showed that, The scores of first order factor, leadership, tenacity, sacrifice spirit and affinity were significantly different (p 0.05-0.01g), and the difference between two second-order factors was significant (p 0.05-0.001n. The first order factor score was significantly different from that of the second order factor score (p0.05-0.001), and the second order factor score was significantly different from that of the second order factor score (p0.05-0.01). Conclusion: the occupational personality theory model of the questionnaire is basically consistent with the exploratory factor analysis results. The confirmatory factor analysis shows that the final formal model fits with the data. The results show that the questionnaire has good reliability index. 3) by using the methods of literature, job analysis, interview and expert evaluation, the questionnaire has good content validity. The validity of the questionnaire and confirmatory factor analysis showed that the questionnaire had good structural validity. (5) by calculating the correlation coefficient between the occupational personality questionnaire and the MBTI scale and the job performance scale, the MBTI personality types of the officers' professional personality scores were compared. The difference between military age and position proves that the questionnaire has higher compatibility validity and empirical validity. The questionnaire can effectively predict the task performance and relationship performance of the officers, including leadership, tenacity, tenacity, etc. This questionnaire is an ideal tool for measuring the professional personality of the grass-roots officers of the armed police, and has certain reference significance for the selection of the officers at the grass-roots level.


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