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发布时间:2018-05-02 02:09

  本文选题:民族社会化觉察 + 促进和睦 ; 参考:《心理学报》2016年01期

[Abstract]:Ethnic socialization awareness refers to the cognition of minority children to the information about national characteristics transmitted to them by their parents. Questionnaires, situational experiments and story completion tasks were used to investigate the awareness and characteristics of the ethnic socialization information transmitted by the mothers of Jingpo junior high school students. The results show that the information perceived by Jingpo junior high school students includes promoting harmony, socializing culture, and promoting distrust and prejudice. 2) there are differences in perception of different information among junior high school students of Jingpo nationality. Awareness of the promotion of harmony is significantly greater than the preparation of cultural socialization and prejudice, and the least awareness of the promotion of mistrust is in conflict situations, (4) there were gender differences in ethnic socialization awareness, girls were more aware of promoting harmony, and boys were more aware of promoting distrust. The whole study shows that there is a cultural difference in the national socialization awareness of adolescents, which is different from that of minority youth in the United States who perceive that their mothers are biased towards the socialization of culture, and that they are prepared for prejudice. Jingpo junior high school students are aware of the mother's emphasis on transmission to promote harmony.
【作者单位】: 云南师范大学教育科学与管理学院;


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