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发布时间:2018-05-02 03:05

  本文选题:味觉 + 情绪 ; 参考:《云南师范大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:我们知道情绪在人们的生活中扮演着极其重要的角色,我们几乎每时每刻都在体验着情绪。人在积极的情绪状态下往往事半功倍,在消极的情绪状态下也许什么都做不了。随着具身认知的兴起,情绪研究者们提出了具身的情绪观——身体在情绪体验、情绪知觉方面发挥着重要的作用。已有的研究者们探讨了诱发的身体感觉(如嗅、视、听等)对情绪的影响,但是,国内关于味觉与情绪关系方面的研究还很少,因此,本研究就味觉体验对情绪的影响进行探讨。 本研究的实验以云南师范大学学生作为被试。研究共分为两个部分,其中,实验一探讨的是味觉对情绪是否会产生影响,以及分析被试对不同味觉的喜爱度情况;而实验二探讨的是在负性情绪状态下,通过味觉处理,被试的情绪是否能够得到改善,从而使情绪图片评分趋近自然状态。 通过研究,我们主要得出以下结论: 1、被试对不同味觉(酸、甜、苦、咸)的喜爱程度和感受度有显著差异,甜味觉组被试的喜爱程度和感受度显著高于其他组,酸、苦、咸组被试在喜爱度和感受度上没有显著差异。被试的味觉喜爱度与积极情感显著正相关(r=0.56,p0.01),与消极情感相关未达到显著水平。高、低味觉喜爱度组在积极情感和味觉感受度上有显著差异,高味觉喜爱度组的积极情感和味觉感受度评分显著高于低味觉喜爱度组。高、低味觉喜爱度组在消极情感上没有显著差异。 2、酸、甜、苦、咸、控制组被试在积极情感上存在显著差异,甜味觉组被试在积极情感上显著高于其他组被试;各组被试在消极情感上存在显著差异,控制组被试消极情感显著高于其他组被试,甜觉组被试消极情感显著高于酸觉组被试。 3、诱发负性情绪前后被试对味觉的喜爱度和感受度有显著差异,诱发负性情绪前被试对味觉的喜爱度和感受度显著高于诱发负性情绪后。 4、不同组被试在图片评定上有显著差异,,酸觉组、甜觉组被试图片评分显著高于控制组被试,苦觉组、咸觉组被试图片评分与控制组没有显著差异。各组被试图片评分与标准参数有显著差异,其中酸觉组、甜觉组被试图片评分与标准参数没有显著差异;苦觉组、咸觉组、控制组被试图片评分显著低于标准参数。
[Abstract]:We know that emotions play an extremely important role in people's lives, and we experience them almost every moment. People in a positive emotional state often achieve twice as much with half the effort, in a negative emotional state may not do anything. With the rise of physical cognition, emotional researchers have put forward the idea that body plays an important role in emotional experience and emotional perception. Researchers have explored the effects of evoked physical sensations (such as smell, sight, hearing, etc.) on emotions. However, there are few studies on the relationship between taste and emotion in China. This study explores the effect of taste experience on emotion. In this study, Yunnan normal University students as subjects. The study is divided into two parts. Experiment one discusses whether taste affects emotion, and analyzes subjects' preference for different taste, while experiment two discusses how to deal with it through taste under negative emotion. Whether the mood of the subjects can be improved, so that the emotional picture score approach to the natural state. Through the research, we draw the following conclusions: 1.There were significant differences in the degree and receptivity of different taste senses (acid, sweet, bitter, salty), and the degree and receptivity of sweet taste group were significantly higher than those of other groups, acid, bitter, bitter, bitter, bitter, bitter, bitter, sour, bitter, bitter, sour, bitter, and bitter. There was no significant difference in preference and receptivity in salty group. There was significant positive correlation between taste preference and positive emotion, but no significant correlation with negative emotion. There were significant differences in positive emotion and taste receptivity between high and low taste preference groups, and the scores of positive emotion and taste receptivity in high taste preference group were significantly higher than those in low taste preference group. There was no significant difference in negative emotion between high and low taste preference groups. 2, acid, sweet, bitter, salty, control group had significant difference in positive emotion, sweet taste group had significantly higher positive emotion than other group, each group had significant difference in negative emotion. The negative emotion in the control group was significantly higher than that in the other groups, and the negative emotion in the sweet group was significantly higher than that in the acid group. 3. There were significant differences in taste preference and receptivity between subjects before and after negative emotion induction, and the taste preference and receptivity of subjects before and after inducing negative emotion were significantly higher than those after induced negative emotion. 4. There was significant difference in image evaluation among different groups. The score of images in acid-sense group and sweet group was significantly higher than that in control group, but there was no significant difference between the control group and the control group. There was significant difference between the image score and the standard parameters of each group, among which the acid-sense group, the sweet group and the standard parameter had no significant difference, while the bitter group, the salty group, the control group were significantly lower than the standard parameter.


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