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发布时间:2018-05-02 08:44

  本文选题:初中生 + 情绪调节自我效能感 ; 参考:《四川师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Emotion regulates self-efficacy, including self-confidence that mediates positive emotions and controls negative emotions. As the subject of emotional research, Chinese and foreign scholars have carried out research, and have made a lot of achievements. At present, the main content of this study is the influence function of emotion regulating self-efficacy in personal thoughts, behaviors and activities. However, the factors that affect emotional self-efficacy are not much studied, generally taking high school students, college students, adult men and women as the research objects. The research on middle school students who have just entered puberty emotional instability is less. The subjects of this study are middle school students, middle school students who enter puberty experience a lot of negative emotions. The influence of the junior high school students in this period on the adjustment of negative emotions is based on the family, the emotional atmosphere of the family, the parenting style of parents, the communication between parents and children, and the handling of conflicts, all of which have an important impact on the ability of emotional regulation of junior high school students. I chose the parenting education method of the parents in the family to carry on the research, through the research and analysis literature, selected the family upbringing style questionnaire and the emotion adjustment self-efficacy as the research questionnaire as the research tool. Spss analysis was used to explore the overall situation of emotional regulation self-efficacy of junior high school students, the differences in gender, grade, sole child, source, urban and rural areas, and the differences in gender, grade, urban and rural aspects of junior high school students' family rearing style. By analyzing the dimensions of emotional regulation self-efficacy and the factors of family upbringing style in junior high school students by using spss correlation analysis, the conclusion is as follows: 1) the average score of expressing positive emotional efficacy of junior high school students is higher than that of junior high school students. It shows that the students' emotional regulation and self-efficacy in junior middle school are better on the whole. There were differences in emotion regulation efficacy between female and male students in junior middle school, which were influenced by the students in grade seven, grade eight and grade nine. In terms of understanding and feeling positive emotion, middle school students' emotional regulation self-efficacy increased with the increase of grade, and the seventh grade had the lowest score in regulating negative emotional efficacy. The average score of emotional regulation self-efficacy of grade eight is highest. 3) the family rearing style is influenced by the grade of junior high school students. The parents' affirmation, understanding and tolerance increase with the increase of grade, and the parents' negation, punishment, and rigor of junior high school students. Excessive intervention decreases as grades rise. There are differences between the two groups of junior high school students, male students and female students. Parents' affirmation, understanding and love are higher than that of male students, and the punishment of male students is harsh, negative, and the interference is too much than that of female students. The difference of family rearing style in rural and urban areas is not significant.) in the family rearing style, the mother's rearing style is sensitive and understanding to the positive dimension of emotional adjustment efficacy of junior middle school students. The negative dimension has a great influence on emotional control. 5) the emotional regulation of junior high school students increases with the increase of parental warmth and understanding care factor, while the emotional regulation self-efficacy of junior high school students is denied by their parents. The influence of mother's rearing style on emotional regulation self-efficacy of junior high school students was higher than that of father's. (2) the influence of parenting style on emotional regulation self-efficacy of junior high school students was higher than that of father's.


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