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发布时间:2018-05-02 11:36

  本文选题:情绪诱发的视盲 + 情绪性注意瞬脱 ; 参考:《心理科学进展》2014年03期

[Abstract]:Functional visual blindness refers to the loss of visual awareness in normal visual system due to some reason. For example, change blindness, attention blink and so on all belong to functional blindness. Emotional blindness refers to a phenomenon in which the presentation of a task-independent emotional stimulus attracts attention so that individuals are unable to perceive the rapid presentation of the target stimulus. Compared with attention blink, especially emotional attention blink, the visual blindness induced by emotion is based on emotional stimulation as interference stimulus. This paper investigates how emotional stimulation attracts attention and interferes with the processing of target stimulus in a bottom-up manner. So it has its own characteristics: it does not have lag1 savings, nor is it subject to the same strict time window constraints as attention to transients, not to the extent to which the physical characteristics of the interference stimuli are similar to those of the target stimuli. In the psychological mechanism belongs to the early perceptual stage of processing competition and so on. The visual blindness induced by emotion indicates that emotion can attract or interfere with attention in two dimensions: time and space. In the future, the research in this field can be deepened by examining the neural mechanism and understanding the influencing factors.
【作者单位】: 上海师范大学教育学院;江苏师范大学教育科学学院;徐州工程学院宣传部;


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