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发布时间:2018-05-03 06:16

  本文选题:行乞人员 + 人格 ; 参考:《鲁东大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:个体的人格特征与其行为方式息息相关,甚至在一定程度上决定了个体的行为,因而,长期以来,人格就是心理学的重点研究领域之一,,其研究对象涵盖了青少年、员工、学生等社会主流群体。但是,作为社会边缘群体的行乞人员,没能得到人格研究者的重视,与他们的人格相关的研究文献,也是少之又少。 本文通过对行乞人员进行访谈,并结合卡特尔16因素人格问卷,对行乞人员的人格特征进行了研究。卡特尔用因素分析法提出了基于人格特质的四层理论模型,这四层分别是:个别特质和共同特质;表面特质和根源特质;体质特质和环境特质;动力特质、能力特质和气质特质。其中,表面特质和根源特质是人格层次中最为重要的一层。1949年,卡特尔提出了16种相互独立的根源特质,并据此编制了卡特尔16因素人格问卷,即16PF,用来对人格进行量化分析。这16种根源特质分别为:乐群性、聪慧性、情绪稳定性、恃强性、兴奋性、有恒性、敢为性、敏感性、怀疑性、幻想性、世故性、忧虑性、激进性、独立性、自律性和紧张性。笔者将对被试的这16种特质进行分析。 结合访谈资料和卡特尔16因素人格问卷的结果,在对5名被试进行研究后,笔者发现,这5名被试的人格特质均存在高忧虑性、高紧张性、高敢为性和高恃强性等现象;而情绪稳定性、乐群性、聪慧性、有恒性、自律性等因子得分并不存在普遍偏低的现象,敏感性、怀疑性等因子得分也并没有偏高。此外,行乞人员的需求模式更接近阿尔德弗的需求模型,比较满足“受挫——后退”律,即较高层次的需求遭受挫折而无法得到满足时,个体就会退而求其次,对较低层次的需求的愿望就会变大。据此,笔者提出了从其人格特点出发,给予行乞人员特殊的指导,提供与其特质相适应的就业机会等建议,希望为行乞人员的救助与管理提供新思路。 目前对行乞人员的救助与管理的研究,多从社会学、经济学、法学和医学等角度出发,制定相应的对策措施,来为其提供帮助,对其进行规范。本文的创新点就在于从心理学角度,提出根据行乞人员的人格特征来探讨相应的救助措施,这些或将为行乞人员的救助与管理提供新途径,亦是本文的意义所在。
[Abstract]:The personality characteristics of individuals are closely related to their behavior patterns, and even determine their behavior to a certain extent. Therefore, for a long time, personality has been one of the key research fields of psychology, and its research objects include teenagers and employees. Students and other mainstream groups in society. However, as the beggars of the marginalized groups of society, they have not been paid attention to by personality researchers, and there are few research documents related to their personality. This paper studies the personality characteristics of beggars by interviewing beggars and combining with Cattell 16 Factor Personality questionnaire. By using factor analysis, Cattell puts forward a four-layer theoretical model based on personality traits, which are: individual trait and common trait; superficial trait and root trait; physique trait and environmental trait; dynamic trait. Ability and temperament. In 1949, Cattell proposed 16 independent root traits and compiled the Cattell 16-Factor Personality questionnaire (16PF) for quantitative analysis of personality. These 16 root traits are: musical group, intelligence, emotional stability, dependence, excitability, permanence, courage, sensitivity, scepticism, fantasy, sophistication, anxiety, radicalism, independence, self-discipline and tension. The author will analyze the 16 traits of the subjects. Based on the data of interview and the results of Cattell 16-Factor Personality questionnaire, the author finds that the personality traits of the five subjects are all of high anxiety, high tension, high courage and high confidence. The scores of emotional stability, musical group, intelligence, constancy, self-discipline and other factors were not generally low, and the scores of sensitivity, suspicion and other factors were not on the high side. In addition, the demand model of beggars is closer to that of Alderford, and is more satisfied with the "thwart-backward" law, that is, when a higher level of demand is frustrated and cannot be met, the individual will fall back and seek second place. The desire for lower levels of demand increases. Based on the above, the author puts forward some suggestions on giving beggars special guidance according to their personality characteristics and providing employment opportunities suitable to their characteristics, hoping to provide new ideas for the rescue and management of beggars. At present, the research on the aid and management of beggars is mainly from the angles of sociology, economics, law and medicine, and formulates the corresponding countermeasures to help them and standardize them. The innovation of this paper lies in the psychological point of view, put forward according to the personality characteristics of beggars to explore the corresponding relief measures, which may provide a new way for the relief and management of beggars, which is also the significance of this article.


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