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发布时间:2018-05-03 15:49

  本文选题:抑郁 + 儿童期虐待 ; 参考:《哈尔滨师范大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:抑郁长期以来得到医学、心理学等领域学者的广泛关注。已有的大量研究证实,儿童期的虐待经历是造成抑郁的危险因素,但是关于二者之间作用机制的研究却很少,结论尚不清晰。为了解决这一问题,本研究根据抑郁易感性——应激理论推论出三个中介变量,他们分别是:不安全的依恋模式,消极认知方式,负性生活事件。研究试图通过对这些变量的中介作用的探讨,揭示儿童期的虐待经历对成年早期抑郁的影响和作用机制,为预防和干预抑郁的发生发展提供参考。 569名来自东北地区的高校学生作为被试参与了问卷调查。分别采用童年创伤问卷简版(CTQ-SF),亲密关系体验问卷修订版(RQ),自动思维问卷(ATQ),大中专学生生活事件量表(CSS-LES)——负性分量表,流调用抑郁自评量表(CES-D)测查了被试的儿童期虐待经历,不安全的依恋模式,消极认知方式,负性生活事件以及成年早期的抑郁症状。数据通过SPSS20.0与Mplus7.0进行统计分析。量表的组合信度以及验证性因素分析结果表明,问卷具有良好的信度和效度。本研究使用结构方程模型(SEM)、多重中介等方法进行研究。 研究结果显示:1.儿童期的虐待经历显著地预测了抑郁症状的预期性增长,其中,躯体忽视极强地预测了抑郁的发生,比其他形式(例如性、情感)与抑郁症状有更多的联系;2.抑郁的易感性因素中,成人依恋的自我模型维度在负性生活事件与抑郁的正向关系中起到了负向的调节作用,即在报告了相同数量的负性生活事件的大学生中,对自己的看法更加积极,更加自信的那些人报告的抑郁水平要低于那些不自信的人;3.不安全的依恋模式,消极认知方式,以及负性生活事件同时作为中介变量共同解释了儿童期虐待与成年早期抑郁之间的关系,其中,消极认知方式的中介效应最大,其它几个中介变量之间没有明显的差别。
[Abstract]:Depression has long been paid attention to in the fields of medicine, psychology and other fields. A large number of studies have confirmed that childhood abuse is a risk factor for depression, but there are few studies on the mechanism of action between the two, and the conclusion is not clear. This paper deduces three intermediary variables: unsafe attachment mode, negative cognitive mode and negative life event. The study tries to reveal the influence and mechanism of childhood abuse through the mediation of these variables to provide reference for the prevention and intervention of depression.
569 university students from Northeast China participated in the questionnaire survey. They used the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ-SF), the intimate relationship experience questionnaire (RQ), the automatic thinking questionnaire (ATQ), the college students' life event scale (CSS-LES) - the negative subscale and the flow call Depression Scale (CES-D). Child abuse experiences, unsafe attachment patterns, negative cognitive styles, negative life events and depressive symptoms in early adulthood. The data were analyzed by SPSS20.0 and Mplus7.0. The combined reliability of the scale and the confirmatory factor analysis showed that the questionnaire had good reliability and validity. This study used the structural equation model (SE M), multiple intermediation and other methods to study.
The results of the study showed that 1. childhood abuse experienced a significant prediction of the expected growth of depressive symptoms, in which the physical neglect was strongly predicted for depression, more related than other forms (such as sex, emotion) and depressive symptoms; 2. in the susceptibility factor of depression, the self model dimension of adult attachment was negative. The positive relationship with depression has a negative regulation, that is, among college students who have reported the same number of negative life events, those who have more positive views and more confident are less depressed than those who are not confident; 3. unsafe attachment patterns, negative cognitive styles, and negative life. As an intermediary variable, events simultaneously explain the relationship between childhood abuse and early adult depression, in which the mediator effect of negative cognitive style is the most, and there is no significant difference between the other mediator variables.



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