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发布时间:2018-05-03 16:44

  本文选题:中学教师 + 职业压力 ; 参考:《广西师范大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:在社会中,教师是一个多角色的群体。随着社会的进步,教师有了很多的发展机会,但同时也意味着他们将面临来自各方面的压力,如社会评价、考试压力、工作量大等,同时工作倦怠感也在悄然增长。 本研究对中学教师进行问卷调查,探求教师职业压力、应对方式、工作倦怠的关系;随后采用访谈的叙事研究法对中学教师的教育教学情况、压力源及原因、惯用的压力解决方式、今后的发展策略与建议等方面进行归纳总结。得出以下结果和结论; (1)中学教师的职业压力处于中等水平,压力源主要有乡镇中学生源减少、教师职称评定困难、工作负荷大、考试压力大、家庭人际关系紧张、工作报酬低等; (2)中学教师总体上倾向采用积极的应对方式; (3)中学教师存在一定程度的工作倦怠,以“成就感低落”最为突出; (4)性别、学校性质在中学教师职业压力总分和各维度上不存在显著差异。班主任教师体验到的“自我发展需要”压力比非班主任教师大。教龄在5年以下、6-10年的中学教师的“职业期望”压力小于教龄在11-20年的教师,同时,教龄在6-10年的中学教师的“职业期望”压力还小于教龄在21年以上的教师。专科学历的教师在除了“家庭人际”维度外的其他方面的压力比研究生学历的中学教师大,并且,专科学历的中学教师在“考试压力”、“工作负荷”、“职业期望”3方面体验到的压力明显大于本科学历的中学教师。另外,本科学历的中学教师在“学生因素”、“自我发展需要”、“工作负荷”上的压力明显大于研究生学历的中学教师。已婚中学教师在“考试压力”、“学生因素”上的压力比离异中学教师大,未婚中学教师在“学生因素”上体验到的压力明显高于离异教师。 (5)性别、是否班主任、学校性质、婚姻情况在中学教师应对方式各维度上不存在显著差异。教龄、学历在中学教师应对方式各维度上的得分存在显著差异,教龄在21年以上的中学教师与教龄为6-10年的教师比,更倾向于采取积极的应对方式。教龄是11-20年、21年以上的中学教师与教龄在5年以下的教师相比,更倾向于采取积极的应对方式。专科学历的中学教师与本科学历、研究生学历的教师相比,更倾向于采取积极的应对方式。 (6)学历在中学教师工作倦怠各维度上不存在显著差异。性别在中学教师工作倦怠各维度上得分存在显著差异,女性教师更容易有“情绪衰竭”“玩世不恭”的工作体验,而男性教师更易于有“成就感低落”的体验。班主任教师与非班主任教师相比,情绪更易于衰竭。教龄在21年以上的中学教师会有最高的情绪衰竭体验。私立中学的教师与公立中学的教师比,更容易有麻木、冷漠的情感体验。已婚的中学教师在工作中,更容易会有成就感低落的感觉。 (7)中学教师职业压力总分和除了“家庭人际”维度之外的其他维度得分与积极应对存在显著负相关,与消极应对存在显著正相关。 (8)中学教师的职业压力总分和各维度得分与工作倦怠的各维度得分均存在正相关,中学教师的压力越大,其工作倦怠感越高。 (9)中学教师应对方式各维度和工作倦怠各维度间均存在相关,教师越采用积极的应对方式,其体验到的情绪衰竭程度越低,工作成就感相对越高:而教师采用消极应对方式时,更容易以一种消极、否定、麻木不仁的态度来对待自己的同事和学生。 (10)应对方式在中学教师职业压力和工作倦怠之间起部分中介作用。
[Abstract]:In society, teachers are a group of many roles. With the progress of the society, teachers have many opportunities for development, but it also means that they will face pressure from all aspects, such as social evaluation, test pressure, heavy workload, and job burnout are also growing quietly.
In this study, a questionnaire survey of middle school teachers was conducted to explore the relationship between teachers' occupational stress, coping style and job burnout, and then the narrative research method of interview was used to summarize the education and teaching situation of middle school teachers, the stressors and causes, the usual pressure solutions, the development strategy and suggestions in the future. Fruit and conclusion;
(1) the vocational pressure of middle school teachers is at the middle level. The source of the pressure mainly includes the reduction of the students in the township middle school, the difficulty in evaluating the professional title of the teachers, the heavy workload, the pressure of the examination, the tension of the family relationship and the low remuneration of the work.
(2) middle school teachers tend to adopt positive coping styles.
(3) there is a certain degree of job burnout in secondary school teachers, with "low sense of achievement" the most prominent.
(4) gender, there is no significant difference in the total score and dimensions of school teachers' occupational stress. The pressure of "self development needs" by the teacher in charge of class teachers is larger than that of non class teachers. The teaching age is less than 5 years. The pressure of "career expectation" for middle school teachers in 6-10 years is less than that of teachers of 11-20 years, while the teaching age is 6-10 years. The "career expectation" pressure of the middle school teachers is still less than the teacher who is more than 21 years old. In addition to the "family interpersonal" dimension, the teachers are more stressed than the secondary school teachers, and the junior high school teachers have 3 aspects of "test pressure", "work load", "career expectation". The stress of the experience is obviously greater than that of the high school teachers with a bachelor's degree. In addition, the pressure on "student factors", "self development needs" and "work load" is obviously greater than that of the secondary school teachers. The pressure of the married middle school teachers in the "test pressure" and "student factors" is more than the divorced middle school. The pressure experienced by teachers and unmarried middle school teachers is significantly higher than that of divorced teachers.
(5) sex, there is no significant difference between the class teacher, the school nature, and the marital status in various dimensions of the coping style of the middle school teachers. There is a significant difference between the teaching age and the educational background in each dimension of the coping style of the middle school teachers. The secondary school teachers and the teaching age for more than 21 years are more inclined to take a positive coping style than the teaching age for 6-10 years. The teaching age is 11-20 years, more than 21 years of secondary school teachers and teaching age less than 5 years of teachers, more inclined to take a positive coping style. Junior high school teachers with undergraduate education and undergraduate education, postgraduate education, more inclined to take positive coping style.
(6) there is no significant difference in the degree of school teachers' job burnout in high school teachers. There are significant differences in gender in all dimensions of job burnout in middle school teachers. Female teachers are more likely to have "emotional exhaustion" and "cynical" experience, while male teachers are more likely to have a "feeling of depression" experience. Class teachers and non class teachers are more prone to experience. Teachers are more prone to exhaustion than teachers. High school teachers over 21 years old have the highest emotional exhaustion experience. Private middle school teachers are more likely to have numbness and indifferent emotional experiences than teachers in public middle schools. Married middle school teachers tend to feel less feeling of accomplishment in their work.
(7) the total score of vocational pressure in middle school teachers and other dimensions except the "family interpersonal" dimension have significant negative correlation with positive coping, and there is a significant positive correlation with negative coping.
(8) there is a positive correlation between the score of occupational stress and the scores of all dimensions and the scores of all dimensions of job burnout. The higher the pressure of the middle school teachers, the higher the job burnout.
(9) there is a correlation between the various dimensions of the coping style of the middle school teachers and the various dimensions of the job burnout. The more positive coping styles the teachers adopt, the lower the emotional exhaustion they experience and the higher the sense of achievement of their work. While the teachers are more likely to treat their own same with a negative, negative and insensitive attitude when they adopt negative coping style. Things and students.
(10) coping styles play a mediating role between secondary school teachers' occupational stress and job burnout.



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