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发布时间:2018-05-03 23:14

  本文选题:成人 + 心理症状 ; 参考:《中国心理卫生杂志》2017年07期

[Abstract]:Objective: to explore the relationship between psychological seeking intention and psychological symptoms and self-efficacy in adults. Methods: 618 adults (286 males, 332 females) were recruited by means of online sampling, and 304 adults aged 1835 years in early adulthood were recruited, and 618 adults (286 males and 332 females) were recruited. A total of 314 patients aged 60 years old from 36 to 60 years of age were enrolled in this study. Using the behavior intention scale (ISCI), the symptom Checklist (SCL-90), the General Self-efficacy scale (GSES) to measure the professional psychological desire for help, the psychological symptoms, and the sense of self-efficacy. Results: the ISCI score of female in middle adult was higher than that of male, and the score of ISCI in adult was 82.7 卤6.7)vs.(77.8 卤7.8 卤83.9 卤6.2)vs.(76.8 卤7.3 respectively. Stepwise linear regression analysis showed that the total score of GSES, terror and obsessive-compulsive symptoms were positively predicted (尾 -0.34 / 0.290.10 / 0.11), somatization, hostility, and paranoid negativity (尾 -0.17 ~ -0.15 ~ (-0.15) ~ (-0.11). Seven variables could explain the variation of help-seeking intention (45.6%). Conclusion: the psychological seeking intention of adult major is closely related to age, psychological symptoms and self-efficacy.
【作者单位】: 火箭军总医院心理科;北京师范大学发展心理学研究所;


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