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发布时间:2018-05-04 07:42

  本文选题:智力障碍儿童 + 父母社会支持 ; 参考:《上海师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Social support is an individual who obtains material and spiritual strength through the help and support of his own social relations, thereby reducing psychological stress, relieving mental tension and improving the level of social adaptation. Parental self-efficacy is the ability belief that parents have the ability to take on the role of parents and thus have a positive impact on their children's behavior and development. Social adaptation is the degree to which an individual can reach his age and social and cultural conditions in dealing with daily life independently and assuming social responsibility. The family environment has a great impact on the social development of children. Social adaptation is an important standard to measure children's social development and physical and mental health. Parental self-efficacy is an important cognitive variable for children to adapt to society. The higher the level of social support perceived by parents, the stronger the self-efficacy of parents, and the better the development of their children's adaptive ability. However, most of the studies are simple correlation analysis of these three. There are few studies on how parents' social support affects children's social adaptation, whether parents' self-efficacy is the intermediary, and so on. The study of children with mental retardation is even weaker. In this study, 302 children with mental retardation were measured by social support scale, self-efficacy scale and social adaptation scale, respectively, to measure the basic characteristics of parents' social support, parents' self-efficacy, and social adaptation of children with mental retardation. Furthermore, the relationship between parents' social support, parental self-efficacy and social adaptation of children with mental retardation was discussed. In this study, the following conclusions are drawn: 1) there are significant differences in the age and educational level of parents with social support of parents. The total scores of friends support and social support of parents aged 35 or below and over 46 years old are significantly higher than those of children with mental retardation aged 36-45 years. The total score of family support and social support of parents with junior middle school education was significantly higher than that of parents with college education and above. 2) there were significant differences in parental self-efficacy in parents' age and family shape. With the age of parents, the level of self-efficacy of parents also gradually improved. The self-efficacy of parents in two and three generations of families was significantly higher than that in divorced families. 3) there were significant differences in the educational level of children with mental retardation. The higher the educational level of parents, the higher the score of cognitive development, interpersonal relationship and social responsibility of children with mental retardation. (4) the social adaptation of children with mental retardation had significant difference in family shape. The social responsibility of children with mental retardation of two generations living in the same family was significantly higher than that of the children with mental retardation of the third generation, and the social adaptation of the children with mental retardation was significantly higher than that of the divorced family. (5) there were significant differences in the social adaptation of the children with mental retardation. The scores of social adaptation of parents of children with mental retardation were significantly higher than those of grandparents. 6) the social support of parents was positively correlated with self-efficacy of parents, and the social support of parents was positively correlated with social adaptation of children with mental retardation. There was also a significant positive correlation between parental self-efficacy and social adaptation of children with mental retardation. (7) Parental self-efficacy played an intermediary role in the relationship between parents' social support and social adaptation of children with mental retardation, and the mediating effect accounted for 36% of the total effect.


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