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发布时间:2018-05-08 20:19

  本文选题:创造力 + 无意识思维 ; 参考:《山西师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:According to the two-system processing model proposed by Evans, human beings have two different modes of thinking, that is, unconsciousness thinking based on connectedness, bottom-up thinking, and conscious thinking based on rules and logic, from top to bottom. Creativity is the ability to produce novel and practical products accepted by social culture, which requires two modes of thinking to participate in the theory of unconscious thinking effect of Dijksterhuis, which holds that unconscious thinking will exhibit higher creativity. Individuals who complete a distracting task without the opportunity to concentrate on the problem can make better decisions than individuals who are focused on the problem. Many researchers used similar experimental designs as Dijksterhuis to study unconscious thinking, but found that they could not repeat the effects of unconscious thinking, which indicates that there are other factors affecting the experimental results. Because of the different nature of the two modes of thinking, the influence of related factors (processing time, task difficulty, etc.) is also different. Previous studies have shown that conscious thinking is positively correlated with processing time in time dimension, and the longer the thinking time is, the higher the creativity of the subjects is. In the dimension of task difficulty, conscious thinking is restricted by rules and capacity, which is not suitable for dealing with high difficulty and unconventional problems. Unconscious thinking is more advantageous in complex creative problems. On the cognitive load of distraction task, some researchers think that the distraction task with low cognitive load is more beneficial to creativity, while others think that the best load of distraction task is different with different task types. It can be seen that previous studies have not systematically examined the interaction between various factors and different modes of thinking, and the results of the study are contradictory and lack of comparability. This study was divided into three experiments to explore the effects of processing time, task difficulty and cognitive load on creativity under different thinking modes. Experiment 1 studies the influence of processing time on creativity under different thinking modes. Experiment two studies the influence of task difficulty on creativity under different thinking modes. Experiment 3 studied the influence of distraction task cognitive load on creativity under the condition of unconscious thinking. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) there is interaction between thinking mode and processing time. Under conscious conditions, the processing time was positively correlated with creativity, and the longer the thinking time, the higher the score in the creativity test, while in the unconscious condition, the processing time and creativity showed an inverted U-shaped curve. Medium length of processing time is most beneficial to creativity. When the processing time is moderate to 3 minutes, the unconscious thinking is superior to the conscious thinking, which shows the interaction between the unconsciousness thinking effect and the task difficulty mentioned by Dijksterhuis. The score of unconscious thinking is higher than that of conscious thinking, but there is no significant difference between the two ways of thinking for low difficulty creative problems. It shows that unconscious thinking can promote the difficulty of creative problem-solving. 3) under the condition of unconscious thinking, the cognitive load of distraction task will affect creativity. Participants who performed distracting tasks with low cognitive load showed higher creativity.


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