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发布时间:2018-05-09 19:20

  本文选题:合作行为 + 自我建构 ; 参考:《曲阜师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:When people encounter conflicts between collective and personal interests, how to coordinate their relationship is a dilemma that people often need to face under the increasingly fierce competition environment. For college students, both in the unique dormitory culture and in scientific research cooperation, they all need to be in the collective and the other. An effective trade-off between the interests of the body is also required to deal with a variety of dilemma. The study of the influencing factors of College Students' decision-making is conducive to guiding college students to make a correct decision and to guide them to form a more mature mode of social communication. And some studies have found that the level of self construction and interpretation has an important impact on cooperation. However, it is generally studied separately for the two, and there is no analysis of its interaction, and the study of the impact of the two factors on cooperation under different feedback methods is still very few. This study tries to construct and explain itself from the self construction. A study of the individual cooperative behavior in a social dilemma, especially the impact of the level of self construction and interpretation on the individual cooperative behavior under different feedback conditions. This study uses the paradigm of the public goods dilemma in the study of social dilemma as a task situation, and the method of combining questionnaires and laboratory experiments. Taking the college students as experimental subjects, the 2 x 2 experimental design was used to study the type of self construction and the two factors of the interpretation level, and to explore the cooperation tendency under different feedback methods. Through the statistical analysis of the experimental data, the conclusions are as follows: 1. the main effect of the type of self construction on the cooperative behavior is obvious. Under the situation of social dilemma, there are differences in the effect of self construction type on individual cooperative behavior. Relative to independent self constructed individuals, dependent self constructed individuals have more cooperative behavior and.2. feedback is significant to the main effect of cooperative behavior. In the two difficult situation of society, different ways of information feedback are used. The individual's cooperative behavior has different effects. In the way of collective feedback, the individual's cooperative behavior is significantly higher than that of the individual.3. self construction and feedback in the individual feedback mode: the independent self constructed individual is not influenced by the feedback mode; and the individual self constructed individual is susceptible to the feedback mode. The competitive tendency of individual self constructed individuals under the mode of human feedback is more obvious that the main effect of.4. interpretation level on cooperative behavior is significant. In the situation of social dilemma, the individuals with high level of interpretation have higher cooperative tendency than those with low level of interpretation, and there is no interaction effect of.6. self construction and solution on the.5. interpretation level and the way of feedback. The independent self constructed individuals have higher cooperation behavior regardless of the high interpretation level or low interpretation level, and their differences are not significant. Independent self constructed individuals also have higher cooperative behavior under the high interpretation level, but their cooperative behavior tends to be better under the low interpretation level. Low.



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