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发布时间:2018-05-10 23:13

  本文选题:无聊状态 + 社会支持 ; 参考:《浙江大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Boredom is one of the common negative experiences of college students. At present, the research on boredom is not very rich, and most of them choose boring tendencies as the subject, and take them into the personality category, and lack the understanding of the mechanism of the state boredom in the daily life of college students. This study focuses on the boring state of college students. The influence factors are expected to provide guidance and basis for the intervention and consultation of College Students' boredom. The study is divided into three parts. The first part combines the semi structured interview with the causes of College Students' boredom and the analysis of related literature. It is clear that the follow-up study will revolve around the social support, self efficacy and procrastination of the college students. The influence of boredom is unfolded; in the second part, a questionnaire survey of 716 college students is conducted to quantify the influence of social support, self efficacy and procrastination on boredom. The third part adopts a semi structured interview to study 6 college students with different boredom. On the one hand, the results of the second part of the study are carried out. Evidence, on the other hand, explores ways to improve college students' boredom through interviews. The conclusions are as follows: 1. college students report a state of boredom containing a variety of emotions, motivation and cognitive performance; 2. the social support and self-efficacy of college students can negatively predict boredom, procrastination can predict boredom, self-efficacy and the sense of self efficacy. Procrastination is partly mediated by social support on boredom; 3. lack of roommate support and peer support and more passive support, low self-efficacy, and more procrastinating college students who are more likely to fall into boredom, lack a clear target, experience psychological gaps, and be in the empty space. Grade period can also make college students feel bored; 4. improving college students' boredom can help college students to change their awareness of boredom, improve their initiative, set clear goals, and adopt a reasonable way of boredom coping.



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