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发布时间:2018-05-10 23:42

  本文选题:定向遗忘 + 情绪信息 ; 参考:《曲阜师范大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:尽管我们经常把遗忘定义无法提取我们想要记住的信息,但是有意的或主动的遗忘无关或者有害的内容也是记忆的一项很重要的功能。近年来,许多讨论聚焦于我们在何种程度上选择去忘记特定的信息,当研究的刺激为情绪刺激时,这种争议更为广泛。 定向遗忘作为研究主动遗忘最常用和最有效的范式,在许多研究中得以使用。然而在多年的以情绪信息为实验材料的实验研究中,对于定向遗忘背后的机制是选择性编码理论还是提取抑制理论存在分歧。不同研究材料和方式,情绪性记忆的定向遗忘效果不同。并且大多数的实验研究都集中注意于项目记忆的效果而忽视了对来源记忆准确性的研究。因而有必要设计实验进一步讨论定向遗忘的产生机制,研究情绪信息的项目记忆和来源记忆效果。 因此本文设计了三个相互关联的研究。研究一考察辩证思维对情绪信息定向遗忘和来源记忆的影响。其中有三个独立的实验研究,实验一探讨三种性质情绪材料的定向遗忘和来源记忆;实验二探讨对中性词和负性词进行积极的辨证思维加工后,对其记忆效果的影响;实验三探讨对中性词和正性词进行消极的辨证思维加工后,对其记忆效果的影响;最后结合三个实验的结果综合分析辨证思维对情绪词的记忆效果的影响以及定向遗忘的发生机制。研究结果表明证明了辨证思维加工可以改变情绪词表征事件的情绪性质和强度,可以增加编码的准确性,增加心理加工的资源,促进情绪信息的记忆重构。 研究二在研究一实验范式的基础上直接操纵了来源记忆编码的精度,使传统的定向遗忘范式中提示类型呈现的时间成为自变量之一。考察改变来源记忆编码的精度对情绪信息定向遗忘和来源记忆的影响,从而验证对其机制所做的假设。结果发现,增加来源记忆指令的呈现时间减少了项目记忆加工所占用的认知资源。精致来源记忆的编码,依然出现了定向遗忘效应。即编码准确性的增加不能改变定向遗忘效应,忘记指令在提取阶段依然发挥作用。这是定向遗忘发生的机制之一。 研究三考察的是改变项目记忆编码的精度对情绪信息定向遗忘和来源记忆的影响。在研究中我们引入了情绪stroop实验范式与定向遗忘实验范式相结合。要求被试先判断颜色再记住或者忘记实验中的词汇。实验中使用了Daniel Algom等人在2009年提出的wheelchair和arm chair范式[1]作为情绪stroop实验范式。该范式的优点在于排除了词汇本身的吸引力对实验结果的影响,被试对无意义的中性单字进行颜色判断,控制了词语意义的影响。结果发现被试对于词语颜色判断所用的时间多于对简单色块颜色判断所用的时间,说明与单纯的定向遗忘范式相比,增加对项目词的颜色判断,增加了此阶段的加工时间,加深了被试对项目记忆的加工。项目记忆的精致加工,削弱了定向遗忘效应,但并不改变提示指令仍然在发挥作用,定向遗忘的范式依然有效。 通过以上三个研究可以得出如下结论: (1)辨证思维可改变情绪的性质和强度,提高情绪信息的安全性。 (2)忘记任务指令在提取阶段依然具有抑制作用,是定向遗忘发生的机制之一。 (3)辨证思维对情绪词记忆的影响,,可促进情绪事件意义的建构。 (4)正性信息具有记忆优势效应
[Abstract]:Although we often can ' t extract the information we want to remember , intentional or active forgetting is irrelevant or harmful content is a very important function of memory . In recent years , many discussions focused on how much we chose to forget specific information , and when the stimulation of the study was emotional stimulation , it was more widespread .

Directed forgetting is the most commonly used and most effective form of research initiative forgetting , which can be used in many researches . However , in the experimental research on emotional information for many years , the mechanism behind directional forgetting is selective coding theory or extraction inhibition theory .

In this paper , three interrelated studies are designed to study the effects of dialectical thinking on the directional forgetting and source memory of emotion information . Three independent experiments are conducted to study the directional forgetting and source memory of three kinds of emotional materials .
Experiment 2 discusses the effect of positive differentiation of neutral words and negative words on their memory effect .
Experiment 3 discusses the effect of negative discrimination on the memory effect of neutral words and positive words .
Finally , combining the results of three experiments , the effect of dialectical thinking on the memory effect of emotional words and the mechanism of orientation forgetting are analyzed . The results show that the processing of syndrome differentiation can change the emotion character and intensity of emotion word characterization events , increase the accuracy of coding , increase the resources of psychological processing , and promote the memory reconstruction of emotion information .

The results show that increasing the presentation time of source memory instruction reduces the cognitive resources occupied by project memory processing . It is found that increasing the presentation time of source memory instruction reduces the cognitive resources occupied by project memory processing .

In this paper , we have introduced an emotion stroop experimental paradigm and a directed forgetting experiment paradigm . The advantages of this paradigm lie in the exclusion of the effect of the appeal of the vocabulary itself on the experimental results .

The following conclusions can be drawn from the above three studies :

( 1 ) The dialectical thinking can change the character and intensity of emotion and improve the security of emotion information .

( 2 ) The forgetting task instruction still has an inhibitory effect in the extraction stage , which is one of the mechanisms for the generation of directional forgetting .

( 3 ) The effect of dialectical thinking on emotion word memory can promote the construction of emotion event meaning .

( 4 ) Positive information has the effect of memory superiority



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