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发布时间:2018-05-11 00:15

  本文选题:体育院校 + 积极心理学 ; 参考:《湖南师范大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:“积极心理学”是一门致力于发现和挖掘人类发展潜力和美德等积极品质的科学。1997年Seligman首次提出“积极心理学”这一概念,就得到了心理学界的高度重视,并在心理学界迅速推广和发展“积极心理学”。1999年,哈佛大学积极心理学研究第一人菲利浦.斯通教授就开设了《积极心理学》课程。2006年,由菲利浦.斯通的学生——泰勒.本沙哈尔博士开设的《积极心理学》成为了哈佛学子最受欢迎的课程。据统计,全美已有200多所高校开设了《积极心理学》课程。目前,大学生由于学习、生活、升学以及就业的压力,部分大学生产生了抑郁、焦虑等不同程度的心理困惑。特别是体育院校的学生太需要正能量的给予。而这种正能量不是一般的心灵鸡汤类的文字可以满足的。我们体育院校的学生需要《积极心理学》这样的课程,系统地了解积极心理学,并从中获得幸福感、提高积极情绪体验,培养积极人格。更重要的是,学会用积极的思维方式看待生活当中的挫折与失败。树立一个积极的人生观、价值观,改变自己从而获得一个积极的人生。因此,如何在我国体育院校开设该门课程成了本研究的重点。 研究方法:本研究以体育院校《积极心理学》课程设计为研究对象,以湖南师范大学体育学院大三学生为调查对象,通过问卷调查法、访谈法、实验法以及文献资料法并结合近年来国内外高校开设《积极心理学》课程的成功经验,设计了体育院校《积极心理学》课程。 研究结论:(1)体育院校开设《积极心理学》课程,不仅仅是满足人类社会进步的需要、适合心理学学科发展的需要等理论方面的必然,还是利于体育院校学生积极情绪的培养、积极人格的塑造以及积极校园文化的建设的必然。(2)本文从课程定位、课程目标、课程内容、课程评价四个方面对《积极心理学》课程进行设计,重点对其课程目标、课程内容以及课程评价三个内容进行了分析。
[Abstract]:"positive psychology" is a science dedicated to discovering and excavating the positive qualities of human development potential and virtue. In 1997, Seligman put forward the concept of "positive psychology" for the first time. In 1999, Philip was the first person to study positive psychology at Harvard University. Professor Stone offered a course in positive Psychology. 2006, by Philip. Stone's student Taylor. Dr. Benshahar's positive Psychology has become the most popular course for Harvard students. According to statistics, more than 200 colleges and universities in the United States have offered positive psychology courses. At present, due to the pressure of study, life, higher education and employment, some college students have some psychological confusion, such as depression, anxiety and so on. In particular, students in physical education colleges need positive energy too much. And this positive energy is not the ordinary soul chicken soup type of writing can be satisfied. The students in our physical education colleges need such courses as positive psychology to understand positive psychology systematically, and to gain happiness, improve positive emotional experience and cultivate positive personality. More importantly, learn to look at setbacks and failures in life in a positive way. Establish a positive outlook on life, values, change yourself to obtain a positive life. Therefore, how to set up this course in Chinese physical education colleges has become the focus of this research. Methods: the course design of "positive Psychology" in physical Education College was taken as the research object, and the junior students in physical Education College of Hunan normal University were investigated by means of questionnaire survey and interview. Combining with the successful experience of setting up the course of "positive Psychology" in colleges and universities at home and abroad in recent years, the author designed the course of "positive Psychology" in physical education colleges and universities. Conclusion: 1) the course of positive Psychology is not only necessary to meet the needs of the progress of human society and the development of psychology, but also conducive to the cultivation of students' positive emotions. This paper designs the course of "positive Psychology" from four aspects: curriculum orientation, curriculum objective, curriculum content and curriculum evaluation, with emphasis on its curriculum objectives. The content of curriculum and the evaluation of curriculum are analyzed.


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