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发布时间:2018-05-11 11:04

  本文选题:义符 + 家族大小 ; 参考:《江苏师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:As an important part of Chinese characters, semanteme plays an important role in the cognitive processing of Chinese characters. Previous studies have paid much attention to the influence of character attributes (such as familiarity, concreteness, apparent and grammatical nature) on the cognitive processing of Chinese characters, and less on the size of the semantic characters and the conformance of semantic categories. The influence of the level of the family size and the conformance level of the semantic category on the cognitive processing of the phonetic characters. The family size of the synonym refers to the number of characters of the synonym. The number of words with the same synonyms is more, that is, the large family of semanteme; the small number of words with the same synonyms, the small family of the synonyms, the meaning and the whole of the conformance level of the semantic category. Chinese characters with the same semantic meaning account for the proportion of the total number of characters. If the proportion is high, it is the level of conformance in the category of high meaning characters; the low proportion is the conformance level of the low sense category. In the processing of Chinese characters, the processing difference caused by the size of the semantic character is called the family effect of the semantic character. What is the effect of meaning? What is the effect of the level of semantic conformance on the cognitive processing of the phonetic characters? Is there a mutual influence between the two? And whether the experimental results are influenced by the experimental results? This study will discuss these problems through behavioral experiments and EEG experiments. The results are as follows: (1) the behavioral Experiment 1A explores the lexical judgment. The experimental results show that the response of the big family is faster than that of the small family, and the correct rate of the big family is significantly higher than that of the small family. (2) the ERP study of the vocabulary judgment task found that the family effect was found in the 80-130ms time window and the big family lure. The N1 amplitude of hair is significantly negative to the small family. The interaction between the family and the semantic category conformance level is significant, and there is no significant difference between the family and size families. When the semantic category is low, the N1 amplitude of the Chinese characters in the large family is negative to the small family. The time window of the latent period 300-400ms is in the time window. It is found that the main effect of semantic category consistency level is significant. When the level of semantic category consistency is high, the evoked N400 amplitude is more negative. (3) behavior experiment 2A examines the role of the size of the semantic character and the level of category conformance to the recognition of the phonetic character recognition under the category conformance judgment task. The main effect of family effect is significant, the big family meaning shows the promotion effect, and the error rate is significantly lower than that of the small family; the semantic conformance level of semantic Fu Fanchou has a consistent effect, the level of the conformance of high meaning category is significantly shorter than the conformance level of the low sense category. (4) the high meaning of the category conformance judgment task, ERP, is high meaning. The N400 amplitude induced by Fu Fanchou's conformance is significantly negative in the category consistency of the low sense category. There is a significant interaction between the family and the semantic category conformance level. When the meaning is a large family character, there is no significant difference between the level and level of the conformance in the semantic category, while the high consistency level of category is the level of the category when the Chinese character is the small family meaning character. The induced N400 amplitude was significantly negative in the low consistency level of the semantic category. The following conclusions were obtained: (1) the family size of the semanteme affects the recognition and semantic judgment of the phonetic characters and the promotion effect of the semantic character family. (2) the level of the conformance of the semanteme affects the cognitive processing of the phonetic characters, and the consistency level is affected by the processing of Chinese characters. The adjustment of the size of the semanteme family. (3) in the processing of the phonetic characters, there is a regulatory mechanism that affects the allocation of resources. The experimental results support the family size and consistency of the semantic characters, which affect the adjustment model of the processing of the phonetic characters.



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