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发布时间:2018-05-12 03:38

  本文选题:初中生低学业表现者 + 过分自信 ; 参考:《陕西师范大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:信心在很多领域中都是成功的关键因素之一,比如在工作、心理健康、体育、商业领域等。很多研究者提出不仅仅是信心,即使是过分自信(相信自身的能力比实际能力高)对个体发展也是有益的,因为过分自信有助于提高士兵的士气、个体的坚持能力等,所以,有研究者提出信心的夸大实际上增加了成功的可能性。但关于过分自信是有害还是有益,一直存在很多分歧。就如Plous (1993)曾这样描述过分自信的危害:“在决策和判断中,没有任何失误和问题比过分自信更普遍,更具潜在的灾难性”。 基于以往过分自信研究中的不一致结论,本研究主要从过分自信的时间和群体两个视角出发,探究不同时间距离下,初中生低学业表现者过分自信对学业情绪、行为投入的影响,以及学业情绪在过分自信和行为投入之间所起的作用,进而得出以下结论: (1)相较于初中生高学业表现者而言,过分自信现象在初中生低学业表现者中更普遍存在。 (2)在距离考试的时间远近不同时,初中生低学业表现者过分自信的程度有显著差异,且距离时间比较远时,过分自信程度更高。 (3)初测时,低学业表现的初中生过分自信得分与学业情绪的积极高唤醒、积极低唤醒维度均存在显著正相关,而与消极高唤醒和消极低唤醒两个维度之间均存在显著负相关,与行为投入得分存在显著负相关;初中生在学业情绪的积极高唤醒、积极低唤醒两个维度的得分与行为投入的得分均存在显著正相关,消极低唤醒维度上的得分与行为投入存在显著负相关,而消极高唤醒维度上的得分与行为投入得分相关不显著。重测时,三者的相关关系较初测时发生了一些变化:过分自信与学业情绪的消极高唤醒、消极低唤醒存在显著负相关,与行为投入的关系也由初测时的显著负相关变成了显著正相关;在学业情绪上,积极高唤醒和积极低唤醒两维度均与行为投入存在显著正相关,消极高唤醒和消极低唤醒与行为投入均呈显著负相关。 (4)初测时,过分自信、消极低唤醒学业情绪对行为投入的负向预测作用显著。重测时,过分自信对行为投入的正向预测作用显著,消极低唤醒学业情绪对行为投入的负向预测作用显著。 (5)采用温忠麟等人的中介效应检验方法进行中介分析以及建构结构方程模型的结果得知,过分自信既可以直接影响初中生低学业表现者的行为投入,也可以通过消极低唤醒学业情绪间接影响行为投入。
[Abstract]:Confidence is one of the key factors for success in many fields, such as work, mental health, sports, business and so on. Many researchers argue that not only confidence, but even overconfidence (believing that one's ability is higher than one's actual ability) is beneficial to individual development, because overconfidence improves soldiers' morale, individual persistence, and so on. Some researchers suggest that exaggeration of confidence actually increases the likelihood of success. But there has been a lot of disagreement about whether overconfidence is bad or good. As Plous / 1993 described the dangers of overconfidence: "there are no mistakes or problems in decision-making and judgment that are more common and potentially catastrophic than overconfidence." Based on the inconsistent conclusions in the previous studies of overconfidence, this study explores the relationship between overconfidence and academic emotion of junior high school students at different time distances from the perspective of overconfidence time and group. The effect of behavioral involvement, and the role of academic emotions in the relationship between overconfidence and behavioral engagement, leads to the following conclusions: Compared with high academic performance of junior high school students, overconfidence is more common in junior high school students than in junior high school students. (2) the degree of overconfidence of junior high school students with low academic performance is significantly different from the time of examination, and the degree of overconfidence is higher when the distance is longer. (3) in the first test, the scores of overconfidence in junior middle school students with low academic performance were positively correlated with the positive arousal of academic emotion, positive and low arousal dimensions, but negatively correlated with both negative arousal and negative arousal dimensions. There was a significant negative correlation between the score of behavioral engagement and the scores of positive arousal of academic emotion and positive and low arousal of junior high school students, and there was a significant positive correlation between the scores of two dimensions of positive arousal and behavioral involvement. There was a significant negative correlation between the score of negative low arousal dimension and behavioral input, but no significant correlation between negative high arousal dimension score and behavioral input score. Some changes have taken place in the correlation between the three factors during retest: overconfidence has a negative correlation with the negative arousal of academic emotion, and negative low arousal has a significant negative correlation. The relationship between positive arousal and behavioral engagement changed from significant negative correlation to significant positive correlation, and in academic emotion, there was a significant positive correlation between positive arousal and positive low arousal. Negative high arousal and negative low arousal were negatively correlated with behavioral involvement. (4) in the first test, overconfidence and negative low arousal of academic emotion had a significant negative predictive effect on behavioral input. In retest, the positive predictive effect of overconfidence on behavioral input was significant, and the negative predictive effect of negative arousal of academic emotion on behavioral input was significant. (5) using Wen Zhonglin et al.'s intermediary effect test method and constructing the structural equation model, the results show that overconfidence can directly affect the behavior input of junior high school students with low academic performance. It can also indirectly influence behavior input through negative low arousal of academic emotion.


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