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发布时间:2018-05-12 05:02

  本文选题:定向遗忘 + 单字法 ; 参考:《广西师范大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:定向遗忘(directed forgetting)是指由主试的“忘记”指令引起的记忆内容受损现象(Anderson,2003),它强调遗忘的有意性和指向性。遗忘无关的或是痛苦的记忆不仅有助于提高记忆系统的有效性,而且也有利于保持身心健康。按照记忆指令呈现方式的不同,定向遗忘的研究范式分为单字法和字表法。定向遗忘的理论解释有系统差异和选择性搜寻理论、双过程理论、选择性编码理论和提取抑制理论。定向遗忘受许多因素的影响,比如实验材料、测验方式、指导语、回忆顺序、加工水平等。从实验材料上看,以往的国内研究多采用频率不同的汉语词汇,而考察材料的情绪性则是近几年来研究的新热点,以情绪材料为实验材料的研究并不多,而且材料的情绪性对定向遗忘效应是否产生影响还没有一致的结论。从测验方式上看,单一的使用外显记忆测验或内隐记忆测验的研究较多,将外显记忆测验和内隐记忆测验相结合的研究相对来说较少。从实验范式上看,同时采用两种范式进行的研究甚少,以及两种范式研究定向遗忘的机制这一问题还远没有定论。再加上情绪性记忆能否定向遗忘这一问题也没有得出一致的结论。所以本研究采用单字法和字表法两种不同实验范式,以具有不同情绪效价(正性、中性、负性)的词语为实验材料,用外显记忆测验(自由回忆、词语再认)和内隐记忆测验(词干补笔)相结合的方式,分别探讨情绪材料对单字法和字表法定向遗忘的影响以及两者的内在机制。研究结论如下: (1)在单字范式下,正性词、中性词和负性词在记住和遗忘两种条件下的成绩存在显著差异,即中性和情绪材料均存在单字法定向遗忘效应。在再认测验中,指示类型和词语类型的交互作用显著,表明材料的情绪性会干扰定向遗忘效应。 (2)在字表范式下,正性词、中性词和负性词在记住和遗忘两种指示符下的成绩存在显著差异,即中性和情绪材料均存在字表法定向遗忘效应。 (3)在外显记忆测验和内隐记忆测验中均存在单字法和字表法定向遗忘效应。 (4)选择性复述和提取抑制是单字法定向遗忘效应的内部机制,而字表法定向遗忘效应的内部机制是提取抑制。
[Abstract]:Directed forgetting refers to the damage of memory content caused by the "forgetting" instruction of the main test. It emphasizes the intention and directionality of forgetting. Forgotten unrelated or painful memories not only improve the effectiveness of the memory system, but also help to maintain physical and mental health. According to the different presentation of memory instructions, the research paradigm of directed forgetting is divided into single word method and word table method. The theoretical explanations of directed forgetting include systematic difference and selective search theory, two-process theory, selective coding theory and extraction suppression theory. Directional forgetfulness is influenced by many factors, such as experimental materials, test methods, instruction, recall order, processing level, and so on. From the point of view of experimental materials, Chinese vocabulary with different frequencies has been used in previous domestic studies, but the study of emotional properties of materials has been a new research hotspot in recent years, and there are few researches on emotional materials as experimental materials. Moreover, there is no consistent conclusion whether the emotional effect of the material has an effect on the directed amnesia. In terms of test methods, there are more researches on using explicit memory test or implicit memory test alone, but less research on combining explicit memory test with implicit memory test. From the point of view of the experimental paradigm, there is little research on the two paradigms at the same time, and it is far from conclusive that the two paradigms study the mechanism of directed forgetfulness. Coupled with the question of whether emotional memory can be directed to forget, there is no consistent conclusion. Therefore, this study adopts two different experimental paradigms: single word method and word table method. Words with different emotional potency (positive, neutral, negative) are used as experimental materials, and explicit memory test (free recall) is used. Word recognition) and implicit memory test (stem complement), respectively, to explore the influence of emotional materials on the word method and word table to forget and the internal mechanism of the two. The conclusions of the study are as follows: 1) under the single word paradigm, there are significant differences between positive words, neutral words and negative words under the two conditions of memorizing and forgetting, that is, neutral and emotional materials have the effect of legal forgetfulness. In the recognition test, the interaction between the demonstrative type and the word type is significant, which indicates that the emotional nature of the material interferes with the directed forgetting effect. (2) under word table paradigm, positive words, neutral words and negative words have significant differences in the performance of memorizing and forgetting, that is, the neutral and emotional materials have the effect of tabular forgetfulness. 2) there are significant differences in the performance of positive words, neutral words and negative words under the two indicators of memorizing and forgetting. 3) in both explicit memory test and implicit memory test, there is the effect of word-to-amnesia by word method and word table method. (4) selective retelling and extraction inhibition is the internal mechanism of word rule to forgetting effect, and the internal mechanism of word table law to forgetting effect is extraction inhibition.


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