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发布时间:2018-05-12 05:53

  本文选题:SNARC效应 + 自我中心参照系 ; 参考:《陕西师范大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Dehaene et al found the spatial connection between the decimal number, the left reaction large number and the right reaction, and they named the effect SNARC effect. They try to explain this phenomenon of digital space representation by "psychological digital line". Later, the SNARC effect is studied not only in the concept of numbers, but also in other non-numerical concepts with quantitative sequences. However, with the rise of SANRC effect, there are some phenomena which can not be explained by psychological digital lines. According to McNamara et al.'s model of spatial cognition, the SNARC effect also includes two reference systems: the self-centered reference system and the non-self-centered reference system. In the representation of digital space, the non-self-centered reference is defined by the internal structure of the sequence as the operational definition, that is, whether the permutation of the sequence itself is vertical or horizontal; The egocentric reference frame defines the reaction direction of the subjects as the operational definition, that is, whether the reaction bond of the subjects is vertical or horizontal. In this paper, three experiments are carried out to explore the role of egocentric reference system and non-egocentric reference frame in the coding of digital space representation. In the first experiment, four parallel experiments were conducted to verify whether the generation of SNARC effect depends on the alignment of self-centered reference and non-self-centered reference. The results show that the standard SNARC effect is produced regardless of whether the egocentric reference system is consistent with the non-egocentric reference frame under the horizontal response condition, but there is no effect in the vertical response. In experiment 2, the three positions of the subjective midpoint were manipulated by the guidance language to explore the coding method of the digital spatial representation when the self-centered reference system and the non-self-centered reference frame were aligned in the horizontal response direction. The results show that in series 1-9, the standard SNARC effect occurs when the subjective midpoint is set at 3 / 5 / 7 respectively. This shows that the representation of digital space is encoded by subjective midpoint. In the third experiment, the mechanism of SNARC effect is discussed when the self-centered reference system and the non-egocentric reference system are not aligned in horizontal direction. Arrowheads aligned with the two reference frames were used as clues for the two reference frames. The results show that although the SNARC effect appears in both cues, the effect of the cue-oriented self-centered reference system is more economical than that of the cue-oriented non-egocentric reference frame. That is to say, in conflict conditions, numbers are more spatially represented by self-centered reference frames. Synthesizing the experimental results and related discussions, this study can draw the following conclusions: first, when the self-centered reference frame is consistent with the non-egocentric reference frame, the spatial representation of the number is encoded by the subjective midpoint of the sequence; When the self-centered frame of reference is inconsistent with the non-self-centered frame of reference, the strategy of digital spatial representation is mainly dependent on the self-centered frame of reference for coding. In conclusion, we can conclude that not only the digital line aligned with the current sequence should be formed in the brain, but also the relationship between the current direction of reaction and the orientation of the sequence should be taken into account. This will not only help to understand the connotation of SANRC effect, but also lay a foundation for further research in large scale space.


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