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发布时间:2018-05-12 07:15

  本文选题:隔代教养 + 儿童 ; 参考:《长春工业大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Due to the lack of independence consciousness, children in alternate generations may have problems in learning, life, psychology and so on, so they need to intervene in a timely manner. Group social work is an effective mechanism to address the problem of children's lack of independence awareness in alternate generations. In October 2016, According to the reality that there are many problems of children's independence consciousness in the B community in the north of Chi North District of the C Management Committee of JL Province, the workers adopt the theory of superiority perspective, the theory of currency system, the theory of psychological and social treatment model, etc. Planning and implementation of community B children's independent awareness group activities-"more bright flowers outside the greenhouse." Through the needs assessment, theory application and group activity implementation of children who participate in group work, we can help them to improve their lack of independence consciousness and gradually cultivate their independence consciousness. Practice has proved that the work of this group can well improve the problem of lack of independence consciousness of children in the intergenerational upbringing. The premise for group activities to achieve the desired goal is to draw up a thorough work plan and steps for the group. The group work details were improved and the professional method of group work was used to interfere with the problem of children's lack of independence consciousness in the intergenerational upbringing. At the later stage of the group work, the workers evaluated the process and the results of the group activities, and the children's independence awareness of the children who took part in the group activities was greatly improved. The evaluation proved that the group's activities had achieved good results. At the same time, the process of group activities also brings to the workers' thinking about the problem of diversity and lack of independence in children's education. Therefore, at the end of the article, the workers not only sum up the group experience, but also reflect on the group activities of independent consciousness cultivation of children in community B from the micro and macro aspects respectively.


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