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发布时间:2018-05-17 08:00

  本文选题:性取向评定 + 眼动 ; 参考:《江西师范大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:性取向是指个体对不同性别的人产生的心理或行为方面的差异性偏好,按照偏好对象的不同,可以将性取向分为异性恋、同性恋、双性恋和无性恋。同性恋作为性少数群体中最常见的一类,国内外也对其进行了大量的研究。性取向在国内的研究主要有同性恋者的心理健康状况,,同性恋形成原因与发展理论,社会大众对同性恋的认知和态度以及同性恋的咨询和治疗等方面。随着社会对不同观念接受度的提高,同性恋群体也逐渐进入了大众视野,社会对于同性恋文化的认同度越来越高,甚至成为了一种潮流得到部分年轻人的欢迎,甚至有人对其开始盲目的模仿,导致有的青少年模糊了自己的性取向,最终造成不利的后果。因此亟需一套评定对个体性取向进行行之有效评定的方法。在国外针对性取向评定的准确性已经进行了大量的研究,然而在国内还几乎没有与此相关的研究出现。本文以国外对男性性取向识别准确性的研究为蓝本作了进一步研究,力求对能够进行性取向判定的身体部位及姿态线索进行定位。 本研究借助眼动方法考察了男性同性恋和异性恋被试通过他人坐着交谈和走姿的无声视频进行性取向评定的准确性以及进行评定时所使用的视觉线索。招募4名同性恋和6名异性恋男性制作实验视频,并招募同性恋和异性恋男性各10名对视频任务性取向进行评定,最终得到的结果如下: 1.不同性取向被试均能够对不同类型无声视频中人物性取向做出较为准确的评定,且同性恋评定者准确率更高; 2.两种类型视频均能够提供较为丰富的信息进行性取向评定; 3.对于坐着交谈的个体不同被试关注最多的均为头部线索,而同性恋评定者同时会综合使用腿部、手臂和上身线索进行性取向评定; 4.对于走路的个体,不同性取向被试均更多关注其下半身提供的信息。
[Abstract]:Sexual orientation refers to the different psychological or behavioral preferences of individuals with different gender. According to the different preference objects, sexual orientation can be divided into heterosexual, gay, bisexual and asexual. Homosexuality is one of the most common sexual minorities, which has been studied extensively at home and abroad. The research on sexual orientation in China mainly includes the mental health of homosexuals, the theory of the formation and development of homosexuality, the cognition and attitude of the public towards homosexuality, and the counseling and treatment of homosexuality. With the increase of social acceptance of different ideas, the gay community has gradually entered the public view, and the social acceptance of gay culture has become increasingly high, and even become a trend that has been welcomed by some young people. Some people even blindly imitate it, leading some teenagers to blur their sexual orientation, resulting in adverse consequences. Therefore, there is an urgent need for a set of effective assessment methods for individual sexual orientation. There has been a lot of research on the accuracy of sexual orientation assessment in foreign countries, but there is almost no related research in China. This paper makes further research on the accuracy of male sexual orientation identification in foreign countries, and tries to locate the body parts and posture clues that can be used to determine sexual orientation. The purpose of this study was to investigate the accuracy of sexual orientation evaluation and visual cues used by gay and heterosexual subjects through silent videos of sitting, talking and walking posture. Four gay and six heterosexual men were recruited to produce experimental videos, and 10 gay and 10 heterosexual men each were recruited to assess the sexual orientation of the video task, resulting in the following results: 1. The subjects with different sexual orientation were able to evaluate the sexual orientation of the characters in different types of silent video accurately, and the accuracy of homosexuality was higher than that of the gays. 2. Both types of video can provide abundant information for sexual orientation evaluation. 3. The subjects who sat and talked to each other paid most attention to the head cues, while the gay subjects used the legs, arms and upper body cues to evaluate their sexual orientation at the same time. 4. For walking individuals, subjects with different sexual orientations paid more attention to the information provided by their lower body.


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