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初中生自我评价 、反射性评价、他人评价和主观幸福感的关系及辅导研究

发布时间:2018-05-24 16:22

  本文选题:自我评价 + 反射性评价 ; 参考:《华中师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In recent years, there are more and more tragic reports about middle school students due to psychological problems, and their subjective happiness feels certain influence. Middle school students are growing rebellious, their mental health and subjective well-being have aroused widespread concern. In order to improve the subjective well-being of middle school students and make them grasp the key period of growth, it is necessary to explore the reasons that affect the subjective well-being of middle school students. Evaluation is ubiquitous, subjective evaluation of their own, that is, self-evaluation, it is an individual's own ability and social judgment. Reasonable and objective self-evaluation can make students have a good state of mind, and unreasonable self-evaluation may lead to bad mental state. In addition to self-evaluation, there are others' evaluation and reflexive evaluation, that is, self-perceived evaluation of others. These evaluations exist in all aspects of middle school students' life and affect their subjective well-being. Social perception refers to the perception of individuals to others, groups and themselves. In the process of social perception, self-evaluation, reflexive evaluation and evaluation of others are produced. Social perception includes two dimensions: enthusiasm and ability. From the perspective of two dimensions of social perception, this paper studies the relationship between the evaluation of middle school students and the influence of the internal mechanism of the three on the subjective well-being of middle school students. To find out the factors that affect the subjective well-being of middle school students, and put forward effective educational suggestions to intervene in the problem, and then improve the mental health level of middle school students. In this study, a cluster random sampling method was used to investigate the random sampling of 300 middle school students from grade one to grade three in a middle school in Wuhan, with a total of 224 effective subjects. The self-evaluation questionnaire, the reflexive evaluation questionnaire, the others evaluation questionnaire and the subjective well-being questionnaire were used to study the self-evaluation and reflexive evaluation of junior high school students. The relationship between others' evaluation and subjective well-being. The main results are: (1) the characteristics of self-evaluation and subjective well-being of junior high school students. There is no significant gender difference in the dimensions of self-evaluation enthusiasm and ability of junior high school students. There are significant grade differences in the enthusiasm dimension and no significant grade difference in the ability dimension. The scores of female students' subjective well-being were higher than that of boys'. 2) the relationship among self-evaluation, reflexive evaluation and others' evaluation of junior high school students. There is a high correlation between self-evaluation and reflexive evaluation of junior high school students, and a low correlation between self-evaluation and evaluation of others) the relationship between self-evaluation, reflexive evaluation, other evaluation and subjective well-being of junior high school students. Self-evaluation, reflexive evaluation and others' evaluation are all related to subjective well-being, but after controlling self-evaluation, there is no significant correlation between others' evaluation and subjective well-being. Reflexive enthusiasm evaluation affects subjective well-being through self-ability evaluation, but it can not affect subjective well-being through self-enthusiasm evaluation, and the main factors influencing subjective well-being are reflexive enthusiasm evaluation and self-ability evaluation. According to the research results, we found that the subjective well-being of junior high school students is mainly influenced by their reflexive enthusiasm evaluation and self-ability evaluation. Based on the results of the study, this study provides a group counseling program to improve the subjective well-being of junior high school students.


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