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发布时间:2018-05-25 04:31

  本文选题:中职生 + 学校归属感 ; 参考:《扬州大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The sense of belonging in school refers to the cognition, emotional experience and corresponding behavior of the students who interact with their surroundings in the process of studying in school. Group identity refers to the psychological connection between individual and group based on the meaning of group membership, that is, the degree to which individuals integrate group membership into their self-concept. At present, a large number of studies have explored the impact of school belonging and group identity on students' personality characteristics. Previous studies have found that school belonging and group identity have an impact on students' self-efficacy and self-concept. However, few people have been involved in the study of self-stereotyping. Therefore, based on the previous studies and referring to the previous research paradigm, this paper discusses the influence of school sense of belonging on secondary vocational school students' self-stereotyping by taking the self-stereotype of secondary vocational students as the main body. And the role of group identity in the regulation. This study selected the students of Jiangsu Business higher Vocational School as subjects and carried out three studies. In the first study, 86 secondary vocational students were randomly selected to explore the existence of self-stereotyping and directionality through a single type of implicit association test. The results show that secondary vocational students generally have negative self-stereotyping. On the basis of the first study, the second study explores the influence of school sense of belonging on this negative self-stereotype. Referring to the research paradigm at home and abroad, the participants are manipulated with different levels of school belonging. Sixty subjects were randomly divided into two groups: strong school sense group and weak school sense group. After receiving the corresponding manipulation process, SC-IAT test was performed. The results showed that the secondary vocational students with strong school sense of belonging showed more negative self-stereotyping than those with weak school sense of belonging. On the basis of the first two studies, the third study further explored the role of group identity in the school sense of belonging and self-stereotyped relationship. 120 subjects were randomly selected and the subjects were designed by 2 (school sense of belonging: strong, weak X2 (group identity highlight: highlight specific group identity, highlight general group identity). The results showed that the main effect of school sense of belonging was significant, the main effect of group identity was significant, and the interaction between them was also significant. It shows that group identity plays a regulating role in the influence of school sense of belonging on self-stereotyping. Compared with the prominence of specific group identity, the positive relationship between school belonging and self-stereotyping is closer when the general group identity is prominent. Therefore, this study concludes that the school belonging of secondary vocational school students has an effect on their self-stereotyped degree, and group identity plays a regulating role in the process of influence.


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