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发布时间:2018-05-25 07:59

  本文选题:师徒制 + 认知风格 ; 参考:《上海师范大学》2016年硕士论文

[Abstract]:As an old way of teaching skills and the new means of cultivating modern employees, apprenticeship is the most direct and effective way for the transfer of tacit knowledge. In the past thirty years, the recessive knowledge transfer between the apprentice and the apprentice has been paid much attention by the researchers. However, the past research on the effect of tacit knowledge transfer between the apprentice and the apprentice is limited to the apprentice. In order to examine the cognitive style consistency, the implicit degree of knowledge and the effect of interpersonal trust on the effect of tacit knowledge transfer, the study adopted the Kozhevnikov and Blazhenkova (2009) between the apprentice cognitive style questionnaire, Mcallister (1996) the interpersonal trust questionnaire, the Hanson (1999) knowledge recessive questionnaire and the self-made recessive knowledge transfer effect questionnaire, investigate the master and apprenticeship involved in the design and operation of 490 manufacturing industries, and explore the relationship between the cognitive style consistency and the tacit knowledge transfer effect in the manufacturing industry. (1) < < implicit knowledge transfer effect questionnaire between teachers and apprenticeship > contains < implicit knowledge transfer effect teacher Fu Zi > and < implicit knowledge transfer effect disciple questionnaire >. < implicit knowledge transfer effect teacher Fu Zi > contains knowledge contribution and ability promotion two dimensions; < implicit knowledge transfer effect disciple questionnaire > contains knowledge absorption and knowledge. Two dimensions of knowledge application; < implicit knowledge transfer effect questionnaire between teachers and apprenticeship > good reliability and validity; (2) the cognitive style consistency of apprenticeship has significant positive predictive effect on tacit knowledge transfer effect; (3) interpersonal trust plays a partial intermediary role between apprentice cognitive style consistency and tacit knowledge transfer effect; (4) the recessive degree of knowledge is recognized by apprentice and apprentice. Knowledge style consistency has a moderating effect on tacit knowledge transfer effect.


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