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发布时间:2018-05-26 23:44

  本文选题:包容型领导 + 工作满意度 ; 参考:《企业经济》2017年08期

[Abstract]:Through the questionnaire survey of related personnel, this paper studies the impact of inclusive leadership on employee job satisfaction, and establishes a theoretical model of inclusive leadership, psychological ownership and job satisfaction for empirical analysis. The results show that, under the influence of "home" culture in China, employee job satisfaction is largely influenced by inclusive leadership, and inclusive leadership can effectively improve employee job satisfaction through the influence of psychological ownership. Finally, the corresponding suggestions are put forward: managers should change their leadership style, establish an inclusive corporate culture, develop incentive measures, and do a good job of career planning around the psychological sense of belonging of employees. Accelerate the formation of "psychological contract" between employees and organizations, improve employee satisfaction, in order to ensure good performance. The conclusions of this paper extend the current research contents of inclusive leadership and deepen the understanding of the influence mechanism of psychological ownership theory.
【作者单位】: 安徽大学商学院党委;安徽大学商学院;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金项目“差错管理氛围对创新行为的跨层次影响:基于创新型企业及其研发人员的实证研究”(项目编号:71372183) 安徽省高等教育振兴计划人才项目:“安徽省学术技术带头人培养计划”(项目编号:05201350) 安徽省高等学校省级质量工程项目“名师工作室”(项目编号:2014msgzs129)


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