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发布时间:2018-05-31 08:56

  本文选题:群体认同 + 自我不确定性 ; 参考:《苏州大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:内群偏爱是社会心理学关注的热点之一,指个体偏爱自己所属群体及群体成员。然而,近来研究发现,个体并非偏爱群体内的所有成员,在某些情况下也会过度贬损那些对群体造成不利影响的个别成员(害群之马效应)。但过度贬损是基于维护内群形象的目的,所以说,害群之马效应是内群偏爱的反转,更是内群偏爱的特殊表现形式。通过对中外相关文献的梳理发现,以往研究大都在群际比较情境下探讨内群偏爱现象以及害群之马效应,基于此,本研究在群内情境下,探讨内群偏爱和害群之马效应的影响因素。 研究一采用单因素设计,探讨群体认同程度对内群偏爱的影响。研究发现,(1)在没有群际比较的情境下,内群偏爱现象和害群之马效应依然存在;(2)群体认同程度对内群偏爱有显著影响,即高认同的被试更加积极评定内群(内群偏爱现象),且更加消极评定内群个别成员(害群之马效应);并且被试的年龄、年级与内群偏爱评定相关不显著,性别与内群个别成员的评定相关显著。 研究二采用2×2组间设计,探讨群体认同程度和自我不确定性对内群偏爱的影响。对内群评定的研究发现,(1)群体认同程度对内群评定没有显著影响;(2)自我不确定性对内群评定没有显著影响;(3)群体认同程度和自我不确定性之间交互作用也不显著,但对被试内群评定进一步分析发现,虽然控制条件不同,被试仍倾向于积极评定内群,维护内群形象。对内群个别成员评定的研究发现,(1)群体认同程度对内群个别成员评定有显著影响,即高认同的被试更加贬损个别成员;(2)自我不确定性对内群个别成员评定也有显著影响,即自我不确定性条件下的被试更加贬损个别成员;(3)群体认同程度和自我不确定性之间存在显著交互作用,在低认同条件下,自我不确定条件比自我确定条件的被试更加贬损内群个别成员。 然而,在现实社会生活中,人们的认同是动态变化且复杂多样的。为此,研究三采用2×2的组间设计,探讨群体认同类型和自我不确定性对内群偏爱的影响。对内群评定的研究发现,(1)群体认同类型对内群评定有显著影响,,即单元认同比多元认同的被试更加积极评定内群;(2)自我不确定性对内群评定没有显著影响;(3)群体认同类型和自我不确定性之间交互作用不显著。对内群个别成员评定的研究发现,(1)群体认同类型对内群个别成员评定没有显著影响;(2)自我不确定性对内群个别成员评定有显著影响,即自我确定条件下的被试更加贬损个别成员;(3)群体认同类型和自我不确定性之间交互作用显著,单元认同条件下,自我确定性条件比自我不确定性条件下的被试更加贬损内群个别成员。
[Abstract]:Group preference is one of the hot topics in social psychology, which refers to the individual preference for their own group and group members. However, recent studies have found that individuals do not favour all members of a group, and in some cases excessively derogate from individual members who have adverse effects on the group (the black sheep effect). However, excessive derogation is based on the purpose of maintaining the image of the inner group. Therefore, the black sheep effect is the reversal of the inner group preference and the special form of the inner group preference. By combing the relevant literature, we find that most of the previous studies have discussed the phenomenon of intra-group preference and the effect of the black sheep in the context of inter-group comparison. Based on this, this study is based on the intra-group situation. To explore the influence factors of inner group preference and black sheep effect. In the first study, single factor design was used to investigate the effect of group identity on inner group preference. It was found that in the absence of inter-group comparison, the phenomenon of intra-group preference and the black sheep effect still existed.) the degree of group identity had significant influence on intra-group preference. That is, the subjects with high identity were more active in assessing the inner group (the phenomenon of inner group preference), and more negatively evaluated the individual members of the inner group (black sheep effect), and the age, grade and group preference of the subjects were not significantly correlated. Gender was significantly correlated with the evaluation of individual members of the group. In the second study, 2 脳 2 intergroup design was used to investigate the effects of group identity and self-uncertainty on intra-group preference. It was found that the degree of group identification had no significant effect on the evaluation of inner group. (2) Self-uncertainty had no significant effect on the evaluation of inner group. (3) the interaction between the degree of group identity and self-uncertainty was not significant. However, the further analysis of the inner group evaluation found that although the control conditions are different, the subjects still tend to actively evaluate the inner group and maintain the image of the inner group. The study on the evaluation of individual members of the inner group found that the degree of group identity had a significant effect on the evaluation of individual members of the inner group, that is, the subjects with high identity had a significant impact on the assessment of individual members of the inner group, that is, the subjects with high identity were more derogatory to the individual members. In other words, there was a significant interaction between the degree of group identity and self-uncertainty of individual members under the condition of self-uncertainty, and under the condition of low identity, there was a significant interaction between the degree of group identity and self-uncertainty. Self-uncertainty condition was more derogatory than self-determinate condition subjects. However, in real life, people's identity is dynamic and complex and diverse. Therefore, the influence of group identity type and self-uncertainty on intra-group preference was studied by using 2 脳 2 inter-group design. The study of inner group evaluation found that the type of group identity had significant influence on inner group evaluation. That is, unit identity was more active than multiple identity subjects in evaluating inner group. (2) Self-uncertainty had no significant effect on internal group evaluation. (3) interaction between group identity type and self-uncertainty was not significant. The study on the evaluation of individual members of the inner group found that the type of group identity had no significant effect on the evaluation of individual members of the inner group. (2) Self-uncertainty had a significant effect on the assessment of individual members of the inner group. That is, the interaction between group identification type and self-uncertainty was significant in self-determined subjects, and in the condition of unit identity, the interaction between group identity type and self-uncertainty was significant, while in the condition of unit identity, the interaction between group identity type and self-uncertainty was significant. Self-deterministic condition is more derogatory than self-uncertainty condition.


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