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发布时间:2018-06-01 00:03

  本文选题:留守儿童 + 社会适应 ; 参考:《心理发展与教育》2014年06期

[Abstract]:A sample of 3812 rural students in Grade 4, Grade 9, from Henan and Shaanxi provinces, was used to investigate their social adaptation to depression, self-esteem, problem behavior, well-being, future stress perception and interpersonal relationships. The influence of parents' migrant workers on it was discussed by using tendency value matching method. The results showed that, before the tendency value matched, the adaptation status of the left-behind children with parents working outside the home was worse than that of the non-left-behind children in the three aspects of future stress perception, depression and well-being, and the score of the teacher-student relationship was higher than that of the non-left-behind children. The perceived future stress and depression of single parent migrant children were also significantly higher than that of non-left-behind children. After the disposition value matching, the well-being of the left-behind children was still significantly lower than that of the non-left-behind children, and the future stress perception of the single-parent left-behind children was also higher than that of the non-left-behind children, but the differences in other aspects were no longer significant. The results suggest that the differences in social adaptation between left-behind and non-left-behind children cannot be attributed to their parents' state of migrant workers.
【作者单位】: 北京师范大学文科学报;北京师范大学发展心理研究所;北京师范大学社会发展与公共政策研究院;温州医科大学环境与公共卫生学院心理学系;


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