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发布时间:2018-06-01 23:51

  本文选题:朗读 + 默读 ; 参考:《鲁东大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:阅读是一个复杂的心理过程,它包含读者对阅读材料的注视、字与词的加工以及意义的提取、对整个句子甚至整个语篇的意义的整合与理解。默读和出声阅读(即朗读)被认为是阅读的两种基本方式。长久以来,对朗读和默读的加工过程是否一样充满争论,而对于中国学生来说,阅读的语言主要是中文,其次是英文,英文是拼音文字,而汉字属于意音文字,在书写方式上二者完全不同,在阅读的眼动研究方面,二者既有相似之处又存在许多差异。本研究的目的是探究中国大学生在用朗读和默读两种阅读方式阅读不同难度的中英文句子时眼动指标有哪些差异,以此为依据总结出有效的阅读策略。利用Eyelink 2000眼动记录仪,选取32名在校大学生,设计两个实验来研究用不同阅读方式阅读不同难度中英文句子的眼动特征,两个实验均为2(朗读、默读)×2(难、易)两因素被试内设计,自变量为阅读方式和句子难度,因变量为阅读速度、向左眼跳次数、向右眼跳次数、向右眼跳幅度、平均注视时间、注视次数等眼动指标。实验1为朗读和默读不同难度中文句子,通过分析以上眼动指标,以了解阅读方式和句子难度对以上眼动指标有哪些影响?结果发现阅读方式影响中文阅读的向右眼跳幅度、平均注视时间,句子难度影响阅读速度、向左眼跳次数、向右眼跳次数、平均注视时间和注视次数,阅读方式和句子难度的交互效应影响读者的向左眼跳次数、向右眼跳次数、向右眼跳幅度和注视次数。实验2为朗读和默读不同难度英文句子,同样以了解阅读方式和句子难度对以上眼动指标的影响。结果发现阅读方式影响英文阅读的阅读速度、向右眼跳次数、向右眼跳幅度、平均注视时间和注视次数,而阅读速度、向左眼跳次数、向右眼跳次数、平均注视时间和注视次数受句子难度的影响,阅读方式和句子难度的交互效应影响英文阅读的向右眼跳次数和注视次数。这表明容易的文本材料适合默读,而大学生在阅读容易的英文时,默读更有利于提高阅读效率,阅读较为困难的英文材料时,适当的朗读更有利于对材料的理解。当阅读材料需要背诵时,朗读更有利于记忆。
[Abstract]:Reading is a complex psychological process, which includes the reader's attention to the reading material, the processing of words and words, the extraction of meaning, the integration and understanding of the meaning of the whole sentence and even the whole text. Silent reading and reading aloud are considered two basic ways of reading. For a long time, there has been a debate as to whether the processing process of reading aloud and silent reading is the same. For Chinese students, the language of reading is mainly Chinese, followed by English, English is Pinyin, and Chinese characters belong to Italian characters. In the aspect of eye movement research, there are many similarities and differences between them. The purpose of this study is to explore the differences in eye movement indicators between Chinese college students and Chinese college students in reading English sentences with different difficulty by reading aloud and silently, and to summarize effective reading strategies. Using Eyelink 2000 eye movement recorder, 32 college students were selected to design two experiments to study the eye movement characteristics of Chinese and English sentences with different reading styles. The two experiments were 2 (reading, silent reading) 脳 2 (difficult). The independent variables were reading style and sentence difficulty, dependent variables were reading speed, left eye jump times, right eye jump amplitude, average fixation time, fixation times and so on. In experiment 1, in order to read and silently read Chinese sentences with different difficulty, by analyzing the above eye movement indexes, we can find out how the reading style and sentence difficulty affect the above eye movement indexes. The results showed that the reading style affected the right eye jump amplitude, the average fixation time, the sentence difficulty, the left eye jump, the right eye jump, the average fixation time and the fixation time. The interaction between reading style and sentence difficulty affects the number of left eye jumps, the range of right eye jumps and the number of fixation. In experiment 2, the effects of reading style and sentence difficulty on the above indexes of eye movement were studied in order to read and silently read English sentences with different difficulty. The results showed that the reading style affected the reading speed of English reading, including the number of jumps to the right eye, the amplitude of the jump to the right eye, the average fixation time and the number of fixation times, while the speed of reading, the number of jumps to the left eye and the number of jumps to the right eye. The average fixation time and fixation times were affected by sentence difficulty, and the interaction between reading style and sentence difficulty affected the right eye jump and fixation times. This shows that easy text materials are suitable for silent reading, while college students' silent reading is more conducive to improving reading efficiency when reading easy English, while reading difficult English materials, appropriate reading is more conducive to the understanding of the material. When reading material needs to be recited, reading aloud is better for memory.


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