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发布时间:2018-06-05 06:37

  本文选题:绘画测验 + 听力障碍 ; 参考:《云南师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Anger is one of the most important emotions in everyday life, a stressful and unpleasant mood when our expectations can't be realized or the action of reaching a goal is frustrated. When it comes to feeling this emotion, individuals usually have aggressive behavior, uncontrollable impulses and corresponding physiological arousal. Related research at home and abroad. It has been demonstrated that hearing impaired students, as a special group, are often unable to transmit their needs information to each other in time because of the hearing and speech expression barriers. Therefore, the deaf students are prone to be trapped in emotional distress, more impulsive, angry, and aggressive behavior. Most of the research on the anger of the disabled students is measured by the scale, but because the hearing impairment of the deaf students, the main channel for their acquisition of information and knowledge is the visual channel, and the ability to understand the image is significantly higher than that of the word comprehension. So it is necessary to use the drawing test to enrich the measurement of the hearing impairment. However, the evaluation of the results of the painting test is easily influenced by the experience of the raters and the subjectivity is larger, which makes it difficult for the painting test to be applied in the future. This study selected 195 hearing impaired junior middle school students in three special schools in Chenzhou of Hunan Province as the research object, and carried out the test of the trait one state anger questionnaire and the painting test for the 195 students. The family opinion selects 104 related painting features to carry on the coding and operation definition. According to the total score of each dimension of the questionnaire, the 27% subjects with the highest total score are the high groups, and the 27% subjects with the lowest total score are the low groups, and the chi square test and the Logistic regression equation are established for the two groups of painting features. The results were as follows: (1) the scores of male junior middle school students in the three dimensions of body speech anger, anger reaction, anger expression (outside) were significantly higher than those of girls; the students with congenital deafness were significantly higher than those of the acquired deafness in five dimensions of body speech anger, anger feeling, irritability, anger reaction, anger expression (outside); The scores in the five dimensions of physical speech anger, anger, irritability, anger reaction, anger expression (outside) were significantly higher than those of the remaining hearing students. (2) there were significant differences in the frequency of 22 painting features between the high and low groups in the body speech anger dimension, and in the dimension of anger sensation, the high grouping and the high score of the anger feeling dimension were significantly different. There are significant differences in the frequency of 20 painting features in the low group. In the dimension of irritability, there are significant differences in the frequency of 21 painting features between high and low groups. In the dimension of anger reaction, there are significant differences in the frequency of 23 painting characteristics between high and low groups; in the anger control (internal) dimension, there is a significant difference in the frequency of the anger response dimension. There are significant differences in the frequency of 8 painting features between high and low groups. In the anger control (outside) dimension, there are significant differences in the frequency of 14 painting features between high and low groups. In the dimension of anger expression, there are significant differences in the frequency of 12 painting features between the high and the lower groups. In the anger expression (outside) dimension, there are significant differences in the frequency of 22 painting features of the high and low groups. (3) through standardized treatment, the Logistic regression equation of the painting features on the dimensions of each dimension of anger questionnaire is established and the fitting degree of the regression equation is better. Among them, 8 kinds of painting features can be effectively predicted. 4 kinds of painting features can effectively predict the level of anger and high and low; the 6 painting features can effectively predict the group of irritability and high and low; the 4 painting features can effectively predict the group of anger response, and the 4 features of painting can effectively predict the anger and anger control (internal) high and low groups; the 3 kinds of painting features can have Effective prediction of anger control (outside) high and low groups; 4 kinds of painting features can effectively predict anger expression (internal) high and low groups; 4 kinds of painting features can effectively predict anger expression (outside) high and low groups, therefore, painting characteristics can effectively predict the anger emotional characteristics of the deaf junior middle school students, and become an effective supplement to the questionnaire survey.


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