发布时间:2018-06-18 21:36
本文选题:同理心 + 同理心沟通 ; 参考:《广西师范大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:同理心(empathy)是心理咨询中常见的一个名词,通常翻译为通情、共感、共情、神入、移情等意思,它被中外心理学家视为较高水平的心理咨询及心理治疗关系中的关键特质。同理心沟通是一种重要的沟通方式,在中文词典上的定义为“能站在对方的立场,设身处地的去体会当事人感觉的心理过程”。基于同理心的人力资源管理已成为近年来学术界研究的新领域。然而,同理心这个概念在中国的研究起步较晚,受文化背景的差异、翻译方面的分歧、理解上的断章取义、以及定义本身存在争议,使得目前我国对同理心概念的理解多少都有些“水土不服”。相关同理心在人力资源管理中的实效性有待进一步实践与证实,同理心在团队管理方面的实证研究更是缺乏。 目前,在一些企业中常出现上司与下属之间的不和谐、部门与部门之间责任相互推诿、同事与同事之间的彼此较劲等等现象,严重影响人力资源管理工作的顺利开展,甚至影响着企业目标的实现。如果能运用同理心,沟通中通过对方的言行推论出他的感受和态度,能打开心扉设身处地的为对方着想,情况可能会好转。因此,本文以A企业为个案,研究同理心沟通在团队管理中运用的情况。 A企业是一家综合性的广告集团公司,外派项目团队是公司人力资源体系中最多的建制单位。A企业通过从日本企业学习了同理心管理经验并结合该公司的实际情况,自2010年下半年开始在外派项目团队中开始尝试实施同理心沟通,三年来在团队管理上初见成效,取得了一些成绩。研究发现:同理心是人际关系中的润化剂。在人力资源管理中,如果管理者和被管理者都能够从同理心的角度,去感受对方的处境、态度和信念,并有效地将这些感受传递给对方,对方会得到理解和尊重,从而产生被理解的满足感。这种满足感可以诱发出彼此关心、信任的沟通氛围。在管理沟通中,沟通双方越是有能力去清晰感受对方的感受和态度,就越能了解对方,也就越有利于顺利地开展工作。同理心沟通能够使团队成员在价值观念方面保持高度统一,在情感上互相信任,在行动上相互支持。本文认为A企业的做法和经验具有推广价值,它对于其它类似团队实施有效管理、提升管理水平是具有重要的借鉴意义。 本文的研究内容包括以下四个部分: 第一部分,对“同理心”的相关理论及研究现状进行了阐述和概括。其中包括对“同理心”的介绍以及相关的文献综述,评述国内外“同理心”的研究现状与成果;指出本研究的意义和研究内容、方法。 第二部分,团队管理和同理心沟通的理论。此部分界定了团队沟通、同理心及同理心沟通的概念,并通过同理心与换位思考、同情心、EQ(情商)的对比来描述同理心沟通的特点,阐述同理心沟通的模式和同理心沟通在团队管理中的重要性。 第三部分,以A企业外派项目团队为例,对比分析同理心沟通在团队管理中实施前后的情况,重点讲叙了A企业的同理心沟通的实施情况,特别是同理心测评和同理心培养方面的实施情况,并结合A企业外派项目团队的典型案例进行分析,总结A企业外派项目团队实行同理心沟通取得的成效,进而探讨影响A企业外派项目团队同理心沟通模式实施效果的因素。 第四部分,A企业外派项目团队同理心沟通的启示。基于近三年来A企业外派团队同理心沟通运用情况的总结,提炼出A企业外派项目团队同理心沟通的经验,并分析存在的不足,为其它类似的团队实施同理心沟通提升管理水平提供参考。
[Abstract]:Empathy is a common noun in psychological consultation. It is often translated as syndicate, common sense, empathy, empathy, empathy and so on. It is regarded by psychologists at home and abroad as a key trait in the relationship between psychological counseling and psychotherapy. Empathy communication is an important communication way, and the definition of "can stand" in Chinese dictionary is "can stand" It has become a new field of academic research in recent years that the management of human resources based on empathy has become a new field of academic research. However, the concept of empathy has started late in China. There is a dispute over the meaning itself, which makes our understanding of the concept of empathy somewhat "ineffective". The effectiveness of the related empathy in human resource management needs further practice and confirmation, and the empirical research on team management is more lacking.
At present, the disharmony between the boss and the subordinates often occurs in some enterprises, the responsibility of the Department and the Department, the struggle between colleagues and colleagues, and so on, which seriously affects the smooth development of the human resource management work and even the realization of the enterprise goal. If we can use the empathy, communicate through the other's words. In this paper, A enterprise is used as a case to study the application of empathy communication in team management.
The A enterprise is a comprehensive advertising group company, the foreign project team is the most established unit of the company's human resource system,.A enterprise has learned the empathy management experience from the Japanese enterprises and combined with the actual situation of the company. Since the second half of 2010, it began to try the empathy communication in the foreign project team, three years. The research found that empathy is a moisturizing agent in interpersonal relationships. In human resource management, if the manager and the manager are able to feel the other's situation, attitude and belief from the point of view of the same, and deliver the feelings to each other effectively, the other will get the reason. In the management communication, the more the communication between the two parties is able to feel the feelings and attitudes of the other, the better the understanding of each other, the more conducive to the smooth development of the work. The concept of value maintains a high degree of unity, mutual trust in emotion and mutual support in action. This paper holds that the practice and experience of A enterprises have the value of promotion. It is of great significance for the effective management of other similar teams and the improvement of management level.
The research contents of this paper include the following four parts:
The first part expounds and summarizes the related theories and research status of "Empathy", including the introduction of "Empathy" and related literature review, and reviews the research status and achievements of "Empathy" at home and abroad, and points out the significance and research contents and methods of this study.
The second part is the theory of team management and empathy communication. This part defines the concept of team communication, empathy and empathy communication, and describes the characteristics of empathy communication through empathy and transposition thinking, sympathy and EQ (EQ), and expounds the importance of empathy communication mode and empathy communication in team management.
The third part, taking the A enterprise group project team as an example, compares and analyzes the situation of the empathy communication before and after the implementation of team management, focuses on the implementation of the empathy communication of the A enterprise, especially the implementation of the empathy assessment and the empathy training, and analyzes the typical cases of the A enterprise team. This paper summarizes the results of empathy communication from the A enterprise team, and then discusses the factors that affect the implementation effect of the empathy communication model of the A enterprise team.
The fourth part, A enterprise dispatched project team empathy communication inspiration. Based on the summing up of the use of empathy communication in the foreign team of the A enterprise in the last three years, this paper extracts the experience of the empathy communication between the A enterprise group project team and analyses the shortcomings, and provides reference for other similar teams to carry out the empathy communication to improve the management level.
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